Registrars Expired Domains Abuse
Expired domain is expired and should be treated as such by ICANN accredited Registrars.
When a Registrar abuses and exploits the domain for monetary gains to promote advertising on it, after it has expired, the Registrar is abusing the Authority and Trust of the domain.
If a person has died should we reuses their Social Security number and his/her passport number, his/her body? Death is death, and a domain like a human soul needs to be reborn!
After a domain has expired it should go back to ICANN until it is reclaimed.
Based on ICANN policy Registrars is violating
Inappropriate use of Domain by former partner
What can we do about a former MD business partner that agreed to eliminate a domain with his and his partners last names followed by .com who is using the domain to route people to his new website?
He refuses to eliminate the domain stating that he will lose customers. Please let me know what course of action we can take.
Hola desde Terrassa Punto Name
Memorandum. what about the dot name?
Why it is not being fractalized?
Is it going to remain as name and surname alone?
Can it be related with the birth place, for example?
I am still trying to convince people to use (my town's name) to localize identity + name + local nickname, etc.
PHSDL and ICANN Relationship
PHSDL is a non for profit Anti Malware Spam project that deals primarily with cataloging Spam domains as well as providing an Anti Spam filter for forums and blogs.
Over the year that PHSDL has been in existence it was forced in dealing with different issues relating to domains, notifying domain owners of Spam and Malware domain comments on their forums and blogs, notifying blog owners of false postive third party anti Spam technology, Google Groups Malware abuse.! what happened?!!!
Dear ICANN manager
We are member of UN-WSIS .Some of our domain is down. please help us.we bought them to parsagostar Co in Iran.Parsagostar register them on the .we try to contact onlinenic but they didnt response us.Why our Domains are Down? We try to promote Democrasy in Iran with develope IT..This is our website in English.They have very bad support.
and this is our director website:
our domains are :
اعتماد العربية و10 لغات أخرى لكتابة أسماء المواقع على الإنترنت
نيويورك - وكالات
بعد سنوات طويلة من المفاوضات وافقت هيئة أمريكية على كتابة أسماء المواقع على شبكة الإنترنت بإحدى عشرة لغة غير لاتينية، تشمل بشكل خاص اللغات العربية والصينية والهندوسية.
Dot Name
There are some limitations on the global dot name.
I propose that dot name could be used for local identities by putting as surmane the locality name. In this way we can free the global identity for infinite number of users that have the same name that the individual who got the global one.
This is an idea promoted by Aberingi Beta an individual entrepreneur from Barcelona Spain.
jorge [at] terrassa [dot] name.
Kavaisver - Portugal - Vila Nova de Santo André
Portugal - Lingua Oficial Portugesa
procuro grupos oficias do ICANN em Portugal, se não tem vamos organizar.
Individual registration?
In the event of an individual such as myself wishing to directly register with ICANN as opposed to enlisting the services of a registrar, why would such not be possible, as policy framework does not expressly prohibit registration by individual directly with as no explicit reference is being made to necessarily having to enlist services as registrar as a matter of necessity.