Help to Poor country to improve IT solution.
Rich country & many NGO's are help to improve the IT sectore like Bangladesh. There is a lot of IT telantes but donot do eficative.
Help to Poor country to improve IT solution.
Rich country & many NGO's are help to improve the IT sectore like Bangladesh.
Fellows meeting Day 2
I found particularly interesting the fellows meeting yesterday. I enjoyed the way the old saying "if you don't know where you're heading to .... always remember where you came from!!", was put in the first line .... I can see a lot of intelligence behind that idea....
Thank you Steve for giving us such an amazing presentation on how things started, and how they were managed from the early days of internet... i think that there was a real valued-added there despite the fact that every body knew a little bit of the story!!!!
Full comments about ICANN Lisboa '07 sessions on my oficial weblog
All my comments can by find on my oficial weblog at http://weblogs.pontonetpt.com/joaorico/category/1200.aspx
You are invited to comment all my posts.
Going Forward With ICANN - The African Region Perspective
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
0900 – 1030
Floriana 3
Goals : To get the communities views on how to participate more efficiently in ICANN and recommendations to take ahead.
Format : A moderated round table session with oral presentations, an open question and answer in the main Lisbon forum open to all.
Length : the session will be two hours in length, and may run to two and half hours if presentations and question and answer run over.