Test forum
This is a test forum
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test messages area
test messages area
What are we doing about the rampant Porn industry?
The Internet is a place that we send our children to look up information for school. What are we doing about the rampant Porn industry with free peeks that leave nothing to the imagination?
What Is At-Large?
At-Large provides a way for the worldwide individual Internet user community to engage in all the issues that are a part of ICANN’s work such as:
new web site
Having trouble with registering my web site just begun.
Cannot seem to find the right way to tell the company
that the name is registered to that they cannot have it.
I had registered originally with Domain Names and retain
the certificate, but was somehow
reregistered to a 'company' called Go Daddy. They are
using the site as an advertisement for other web sites.
Meanwhile, my site is gathering dust on '/index'. Any
The New Look Public Participation Site
Congratulations on the launch of the New Look Public Participation Site...
This new format (as it has developed so far) is easy to navigate and we (ALAC and its Officers) look forward to its use as an important tool...
I had mentioned to Dr. Paul Twomey that implication of internet in strengthening democratic institutions is an unexplored area. Professional interventions by ICANN can help in improving the Government-to-Citizen communication systems.
A Tale of TWO CITIES - TWO organisations
Problem: Someone or somehow our domain names are hijacked and transferred without our permission to another registrar and we lose control and ownership!
1. Losing Registrar does not want to know! Nothing to do with us GOV! (UK expression).
2. New Registrar says he can't do anything unless a Dispute Transfer is initiated by the Losing Registrar who of course denies all responsbility and says contact ICANN
Authcode Retrieval Options
Someone explain Where, how and by what means are the EPP authcodes created stored and distributed, who initiated this process, and provide us with an understanding of its original intent.
The old way was problem-free for me, this new way has served as a serious impediment.
If it is at all possible, craft a solution by which a request for authcode can cause the domain name EPP transfer code to be emailed promptly to the email address for the Admin contact in whois
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