RSSAC Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis, Minnesota
RSSAC - 21st Meeting
RSSAC Meeting, Paris
new attendees are listed w/ affiliation
jeff baker,
john crain
steve conte
suzanne woolf
joua dumas
rob austien
johan ihren
steve crocker
bill manning
jun murai
cathy murphy
russ mundy
lars liman
mark kosters
<new vsgn person>
matt larson
olaf kolkman
daniel karranberg
brett carr, ripe ncc
akira kato
yuji sekai
rob payne
andrei robacheski
RSSAC Meeting, Vancouver, BC
23 rssac - 06nov2005 - Vancouver , BC
Attendees: (affiliation provided for new attendees)
Brett Carr - RIPE NCC
Joao Damas
Brian Coppola
Mark Kosters
Andrei Robachevsky
George Michaleson
Russ Mundy
Geoff Huston
Bill Manning
Tim Lister - DOD
Lars-Johan Liman
Rob Austein
Cathy Handley
Steve Conte
Cathy Murphy
Hiro Hotta - JPRS
Akira Kato
RSSAC Meeting, Dallas
RSSAC-24 19 march 2006 Dallas
Bill Manning
Rob Austein
Yuji Sekia
George Michelson
Cathy Handley
Brett Carr
Joao Damas
Jim Cassell
Matt Larson
Gerry Sneeringer
Suzanne Woolf
Lars Liman
Akira Kato
Fredrico Neves
Andrei Robachevsky
Ginny Listman
John Crain
26th RSSAC Meeting [PDF, 29K]
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25th RSSAC Meeting [PDF, 53K]
$dest = "Location:http://" . $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST];
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RSSAC Statement on ICANN's Proposed Next Steps for IDN Deployment in the Root Zone
RSSAC has been asked for a statement on ICANN's proposed next steps for IDN deployment in the root zone.
Policy discussions are continuing and are clearly out of scope for RSSAC. RSSAC takes no position on what the contents of the strings used to instantiate IDNs in the root should be, or how many there should be within a factor of 2-5 times the current size of the root zone, or what the duration of the test should be, as long as DNS protocol is followed regarding length of labels, permitted characters, and so on.
- The ICANN Bylaws (Article VII, Section 3(b)) describe the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee as follows:
There shall be a DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee. The initial chairman of the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Board; subsequent chairs shall be elected by the
End of Summer Time in Europe and Remote Participation
Europe moved from summer time to winter time last night but the California won't do so until next weekend. This means that for the week of the ICANN meeting the time difference between Europe and the US is different than normal.
Anyone who wants to follow the sessions at this week's meeting will need to take account of the difference in the normal time calculations this week.
On Monday at 9am in Los Angeles it will be 5pm in Brussels and 4pm in Lisbon which is one hour earlier than last week.
Questions for the public forum?
ICANN has changed the method by which it draws input into its public meetings - including the public forum - in an effort to make it easier to interact, and hence encourage greater interaction.
For the ICANN public forum on Thursday 29 March 2007
Please note: You need to register with the site and be logged in to gain access to the chatrooms
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