
Protection of Registrants' workshop

A Protection of Registrants' Workshop will be held tomorrow, Monday 25 June 2007, at ICANN's meeting in Puerto Rico at 1pm (EST) that will cover changes in the registrar market, a significant part of which will be suggested alterations to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement in response to the RegisterFly situation.

There is a need for calm

Everyone needs to remain calm. We must stay together on this.

RegisterFly - the way forward


On 29 May, GoDaddy reached agreement with RegisterFly to assume all its domains. ICANN welcomes the move. For more details click here. A workshop on registrants' rights was held in Puerto Rico on Monday 25 June 2007. ICANN still has a contempt order against RegisterFly for failing to follow the terms of the preliminary injunction.

RegisterFly chatroom discussion

The following discussion over RegisterFly occurred in the chatroom on ICANN's public participation website during the public forum on Monday 26 March.

Note: This is an excerpt of the full chatroom archive covering just the discussion over RegisterFly in the morning of Monday 26 March 2007. The full chatroom archive covering all days of the conference and all those events that took place in the main room (Floriana 1+2) can be found here.

Board discussion over RegisterFly

The following is the discussion held over RegisterFly at the ICANN Board meeting on Friday 31 March 2007.

RegisterFly was also the topic of discussion for an hour at the end of the Public Forum on Monday 26 March 2007. The public forum's full transcript is available here.

Note: Although transcript output is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

NB: This is an edited excerpt of the full meeting transcript, broken down according to each Board member and produced in an effort to provide easy access to the substantive discussion. For the Board meeting's full transcript click here.

Public forum discussion over RegisterFly

The following is the discussion held over RegisterFly at the ICANN public forum on Monday 26 March 2007. The transcript for the entire public forum can be found here.

RegisterFly was also the topic of discussion at a Board meeting on Friday 31 March. A hyperlinked version of that discussion is available here.

Note: Although transcript output is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

NB: This is an edited excerpt of the full meeting transcript, broken down according to each Board member and produced in an effort to provide easy access to the substantive discussion.

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