gTLD Registries Constituency
gTLD Registries Constituency Meeting
What it is | The gTLD Registry Constituency is a constituency within the Generic Name Supporting Organisation (GNSO) and its primary role is to represent the interests of gTLD Registries that are currently under contract with ICANN to provide gTLD Registry Services.
8:00-12:00 | Open Session I. Attendance - Introduction of attendees and teleconference participants II. Agenda Review and Approval
III. GNSO Council Updates
12:30-14:30 | Working Luncheon Meeting with ICANN Board Representatives and Staff (Closed Session) |
14:30-17:00 | Continuation of morning session VI. Domain Name System Policy Working Group (DNSPWG) of the Anti-Phishing Working Group - update on current initiatives (Rod Rasmussen) VII. Stacy Burnette, Director, Contractual Compliance, ICANN VIII. Registry Failover Plan and Best Practices Guidelines (Working Meeting with Patrick Jones) IX. Registries/Registrars Constituencies Joint Meeting |