Welcome to the press centre

Press inquiries should be directed to:
Jason Keenan ICANN media advisor Tel: +1 310 382 4004 Email: press@icann.org



We have set up a separate press registration system. Subscribers will receive regular email updates of events, plus advance notice of sessions, details of all press conferences and related press events, and immediate copies of any press releases. Press registration will be set up shortly for the Los Angeles meeting. If you wish to be informed of exactly when registration opens, please just email Jason on jason.keenan@icann.org. [ICANN reserves the right to refuse or revoke press accreditation]

Press Releases

A full list of relevant press releases is given below: All other ICANN press releases and announcements can be found on this webpage.


Photographs of the meeting will be made available at this page. Please select high or low resolution. Photos will be in the jpeg format. Members of the press are entitled to use the photos without charge under the following conditions:
  1. The photograph appears with: "Copyright, ICANN 2007" clearly visible.
  2. The photograph is not doctored, recoloured, added to, tampered with or otherwise altered, except for reasonable purposes of cropping.
  3. The photograph is used to illustrate or accompany an article covering primarily ICANN.
  4. Permission is sought and granted prior to publication for any use of the photograph(s) outside these conditions.

Agenda/ Schedule

Available at this webpage.

Interview requests / any other issues

Please call or email Jason on the number/address above.

ICANN media policy

  • Media are invited to attend all ICANN Public Meeting, panel sessions, and addresses. This applies only to the open program – some meetings (as noted on the agenda) are closed to the public and media.
  • To expedite the registration process, media representatives and freelancers are strongly encouraged to pre-register. Please do so by completing the form below.
  • All media must show valid credentials (photo ID, business card, or the equivalent). If on assignment for another publication, freelancing or researching, please bring an explanatory letter from the publication's editor.
  • All photographers and videographers accompanying reporters should register as well.
  • All panel sessions and addresses are open to the media and may be recorded unless otherwise indicated, as long as the proceedings are not disturbed.
  • Interviews may be conducted subsequent to the sessions, at the discretion of the speakers, panelists or their staff. Please contact Jason Keenan, Media Adviser, to arrange interviews with ICANN Board Chairman Vint Cerf and ICANN President and CEO Dr Paul Twomey.

What is ICANN?

See here for a simple explanation of what ICANN is, what it does, and how it makes decisions.