ICANN Public Meeting Sponsorship opens the door to our select and sophisticated audience of more than 1800 international participants, representing the global business community, governments, industry insiders and many other contributors whose work affects the future of the global Internet. You will also reach our website visitors with your brand messages.
We encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity and participate in an ICANN Public Meeting as a sponsor.
Diamond sponsorships are reserved for two leading industry organizations. They comprise the most prestigious promotional elements of the ICANN Public Meeting and will receive the highest level of visibility, service and support from the meeting management team.
As a Diamond Sponsor you will share the distinction of showcasing your logo on the Official Meeting Bag, which is distributed to all attendees at registration.
Your company will receive unsurpassed recognition by our attendees as a Diamond level sponsor, with continuous brand exposure during the week of the meeting and beyond.
$250,000. USD (2 available)
Online Visibility – Acknowledgement of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on every page of the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Registration Bag Insert – Get the attention of all attendees by placing up to seven (7) of your company's promotional items in the official meeting bag.
Premium Booth Space – A 10x20 foot (3x6 meters) booth space with first or second choice of position within the designated exhibition space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly depending on the venue)
"Thank You" Signage – Your company logo will be featured on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the conference, with all sponsoring companies logos listed.
Main Stage Backdrop – Your company logo will be prominently featured on the main stage backdrop.
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Digital Signage – Inclusion of your logo in video loops and all informational displays around the conference venue.
Main Room Graphic – On-screen logo recognition in the main meeting room (shown between sessions).
Conference Program – Your full-page advertisement will receive prominent placement in the official participant's guide to the ICANN Public Meeting; your company logo will appear on the brochure's cover. (Limit of 200 words)
Registration Bag Logo – You will share the distinction with the other Diamond sponsor of showcasing your logo on the official meeting bag, distributed to all participants at registration.
Preferred Hotel Room Block – Ten (10) preferred guestrooms at the conference venue or main hotel will be reserved for your use (sponsor pays for rooms).
Reserved Gala Seating – Three (3) reserved priority area tables for ten (10) guests (if seated function).
Meeting Room – A meeting room within the venue will be available for your use throughout the meeting.
Sponsorship Credit – You will receive a USD $10,000 credit, applicable toward any sponsorship opportunity for any of the next three ICANN Public Meetings.
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As a Platinum-Elite Sponsor you will share the distinction of showcasing your logo on the Official Meeting Shirt, which is distributed to all attendees at registration.
Receive unsurpassed recognition by our attendees as a Platinum-Elite sponsor, with continuous brand exposure during the week of the meeting and beyond.
$150,000. USD (2 available)
Online Visibility – Acknowledgement of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on every page of the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Registration Bag Insert – Get the attention of all attendees by placing up to six (6) of your company's promotional items in the official meeting bag.
Premium Booth Space – A 10x10 foot (3x3 meters) booth space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly depending on the venue)
"Thank You" Signage – Your company logo will be featured on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the conference, with all sponsoring companies logos listed.
Main Stage Backdrop – Your company logo will be prominently featured on the main stage backdrop.
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Digital Signage – Inclusion of your logo in video loops and all informational displays around the meeting venue.
Main Room Graphic – On-screen logo recognition in the main meeting room (shown between sessions).
Conference Program – Your half-page advertisement will receive prominent placement in the official participant's guide to the ICANN Public Meeting. (Limit of 100 words)
Official T-Shirt – You will share the distinction with one other Platinum-Elite sponsor of showcasing your logo on the official meeting t-shirt, distributed to all participants at registration.
Preferred Hotel Room Block – Five (5) preferred guestrooms at the conference venue or main hotel will be reserved for your use (sponsor pays for rooms).
Reserved Gala Seating – Two (2) reserved priority area tables for ten (10) guests (if seated function).
Meeting Room Access – Use of a meeting room during the event when possible.
Sponsorship Credit – You will receive a USD $5000. credit, applicable toward any sponsorship opportunity for any of the next three ICANN Public Meetings.
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As a Platinum Sponsor you will share the distinction of showcasing your logo on the Official Meeting Lanyard, which is distributed to all attendees at registration.
Receive unsurpassed recognition by our attendees as a Platinum sponsor, with continuous brand exposure during the week of the meeting and beyond.
$75,000. USD
Online Visibility – Acknowledgement of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on every page of the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Registration Bag Insert – Get the attention of all attendees by placing up to five (5) of your company's promotional items in the official meeting bag.
Premium Booth Space – A 10x10 foot (3x3 meters) booth space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly depending on the venue)
"Thank You" Signage – Your company logo will be featured on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the conference, with all sponsoring companies logos listed.
Main Stage Backdrop – Your company logo will be prominently featured on the main stage backdrop.
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Digital Signage – Inclusion of your logo in video loops and all informational displays around the meeting venue.
Main Room Graphic – On-screen logo recognition in the main meeting room (shown between sessions).
Conference Program – Your half-page advertisement will receive prominent placement in the official participant's guide to the ICANN Public Meeting. (Limit of 100 words)
Lanyard Sponsorship – You will share the distinction with one other platinum sponsor of showcasing your logo on the official meeting lanyard, distributed to all participants at registration. (Limited to two sponsors only)
Reserved Gala Seating – One (1) reserved priority area table for ten (10) guests (if seated function).
Meeting Room Access – Use of a meeting room during the event when possible.
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$35,000. USD
Online Visibility – Acknowledgement of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Registration Bag Insert – Get the attention of all attendees by placing up to four (4) of your company's promotional items in the official meeting bag.
Exhibit Booth Space – A 10x10 foot (3x3 meters) booth space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly depending on the venue)
"Thank You" Signage – Your company logo will be featured on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the conference, with all sponsoring companies logos listed.
Main Stage Backdrop – Your company logo will be prominently featured on the main stage backdrop.
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Conference Program – Logo recognition in the official participant's guide to the ICANN Public Meeting.
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$15,000. USD
Online Visibility – Acknowledgement of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Registration Bag Insert – Get the attention of all attendees by placing up to three (3) of your company's promotional items in the official meeting bag.
Exhibit Booth Space – A 10x10 foot (3x3 meters) booth space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly depending on the venue)
"Thank You" Signage – Your company logo will be featured on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the conference, with all sponsoring companies logos listed.
Main Stage Backdrop – Your company logo will be prominently featured on the main stage backdrop.
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$7,500. USD
Online Visibility – Acknowledgement of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Registration Bag Insert – Get the attention of all attendees by placing up to two (2) of your company's promotional items in the official meeting bag.
"Thank You" Signage – Your company logo will be featured on sponsor appreciation signage throughout the conference, with all sponsoring companies logos listed.
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Online Visibility Acknowledgment of your company's sponsorship, with your logo and a link to your website, will be prominently displayed on the official website for the sponsored event.
License to use the "Official Sponsor" Meeting Logo in connection with promotion of your conference sponsorship and participation.
Event Publicity Materials Sponsors logo and name will appear on all event publicity materials, including the event web page within the online conference agenda.
On-site Signage and sponsor recognition promoting sponsored event. Opportunity to provide cocktail napkins with logo for use during sponsored networking event.
$50,000. USD (Exclusive)
Be the first to meet and greet ICANN attendees. The Sunday welcome reception gives an opportunity to network with attendees and discuss the week ahead.
$25,000. USD (Exclusive per day)
Available Monday through Thursday, Exclusive Sponsor per Day. Includes AM and PM coffee breaks. Standard benefits package for Networking Sponsorships
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Note: ICANN may also accept sponsorship outside of the levels described above in the form of services and goods to help support the event. For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact meeting-sponsorship@icann.org.
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Signed sponsorship agreement and all artwork, including high-resolution logo, must be provided by the sponsorship deadline for each meeting. All registration materials must be DELIVERED to the designated fulfillment location by the Registration Due Date for each meeting. (Due date will be provided upon commitment)
ICANN 49, SINGAPORE | 23-27 March 2014 |
ICANN 50, LONDON | 22-26 June 2014 Sponsorship Deadline: 16 May 2014 |
ICANN 51 - LOS ANGELES, 12-16 October 2014 Sponsorship Deadline: 5 September 2014 |
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Website Logo Placement: The vertical placement of sponsor logos will be determined by sponsorship level and the order in which sponsorship agreements are executed.
Registration Materials: Only ICANN sponsors will be able to distribute promotional materials at the meeting. All materials will be reviewed to ensure that they do not disparage anyone, including ICANN, its supporting organisations, community members or any of the event sponsors. Shipping instructions for registration materials will be provided to all sponsors no later than 25 days prior to the delivery deadline. All registration materials MUST be received by the deadline to ensure inclusion in the bags.
Exhibit Booth Space: Exhibit space selection and placement will be determined first by sponsorship level, then according to sponsorship committment date.
Standard Booth Package:
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A sponsorship agreement will be provided upon completion of your sponsorship interest form.