gTLD Registries Constituency Meeting
What it is | The gTLD Registries Constituency is a constituency within the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) and its primary role is to represent the interests of gTLD Registries that are currently under contract with ICANN to provide gTLD Registry Services.
Why it's important | The in-person meetings held in conjunction with the ICANN meetings provide an opportunity for productive and constructive discussions on issues that involve ICANN consensus policies that relate to interoperability, technical reliability and/or stable operation of the Internet or Domain Name System (DNS).
Why should attend? | Any one with a vested interest in these issues is encouraged to attend the open session of the gTLD Registries Constituency meeting while in Sydney.
9:00 – 12:00 p.m. Open Session
I. Attendance – Introduction of attendees
II. Agenda Review and Approval
1. Constituency Meeting
2. Meeting with ICANN Board and Staff
3. Joint meeting with Registrars Constituency
III. New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook
1. Registry/Registrar Separation
2. Quick Start Initiative for IDN gTLD Implementation
3. IRT (Implementation Recommendation Team) Update
IV. Treasurer’s Report
1. Review of expenses
2. Review and approval of 2009 budget
V. GNSO Council Updates
1. GNSO Improvements
i. Transition to Restructured GNSO – Constituency instructions to RyC Councilors on Bylaw changes for Bicameral Council
ii. Steering Committees reports
1. Policy Process Steering Committee and Work Teams (Jeff Neuman)
2. Operations Steering Committee and Work Teams (Chuck Gomes)
a. Work Team on Revised Subtask 4 (recommendations for staff support) Tool Kit Request
2. PEDNR (Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery) Motion to Approve WG Charter – Constituency instructions to RyC Councilors
3. Fast Flux Update (Greg Aaron, Adam Palmer)
4. Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (Greg Aaron)
5. Inter-Registrar Transfers Working Group Update (Barbara Steele)
6. RAA Amendments – Drafting Team Report
7. City gTLD Constituency Petition and Proposed Charter
i. Proposal submitted by Dirk Krischenowski of dot BERLIN
ii. Open discussion with potential/pending members of the City gTLD Constituency
8. Whois
9. Update on other current developments
VI. Registries Constituency Renewal
1. Feedback on public comments
2. Open and Transparency Practice
3. Stakeholder Group Charter Approval
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. p.m. Working Luncheon Meeting with ICANN Board
Representatives and Staff (Closed Session)
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Continuation of morning session
VII. Topics for discussion with ICANN Staff [1]
2:15 p.m. Registrar Termination Procedure, the De-Accredited Registrar Transition Procedure, and lessons learned from recent bulk transfers (Mike Zupke, Registrar Liaison Manager)
2:45 p.m. Process to provide Registries and Sponsors with their Registrar’s contract information (Craig Schwartz, Chief gTLD Registry Liaison) 3:15 p.m. FY 2010 Operating Plan and Budget – General Issues (Kevin Wilson, CFO) 3:45 p.m. IDN TLDs (Tina Dam, IDN Program Director)
1. IDN ccTLD Fast Track Activities
2. Timetable for Introduction of IDN ccTLDs
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Registries/Registrars Constituencies Joint Meeting (Ballroom B, Level 3)
Key Topics for discussion:
1. Registry/Registrar Separation
2. New gTLDs
a. IRT
3. Contracted Party House
[1] Times on the schedule are approximated.