APRALO Monthly Meeting
Interpretation: There will be no simultaneous interpretation for this session.
What it is | The monthly meeting of the Asia-Australia and the Pacific Islands RALO (“APRALO”)
Why it's Important | The monthly meetings of each RALO are an important opportunity for the region to coordinate, discuss policy views and track work progress on their agenda Who should attend? | Members of APRALO and anyone else interested in the Asia-Pacific At-Large regional community. |
Remote Participation Options:
- Telephonic remote participation (English only) Instructions on how to participate remotely may be found at this URL: http://www.atlarge.icann.org/teleconference-participation-en
- Chat between remote participants and those in the room Chatroom:http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/syd_apralo/
Agenda Details
1. Action items from last meeting, anything to discuss? 2. Update from the chair of APRALO 3. Update on IGF Proposal (Hong) 4. Outreach - updates on activities/planned activities
5. ALAC updates for APRALO 6. Staff updates for APRALO 7. Initial planning for Seoul ICANN Meeting 8. Any comments of any ICANN issues in relation to APRALO |