APRALO Monthly Meeting

Wed 24 Jun 2009 - 17:00 - 18:00
Function 1-2 (L4)


Interpretation: There will be no simultaneous interpretation for this session.


What it is |  The monthly meeting of the Asia-Australia and the Pacific Islands RALO (“APRALO”)

Why it's Important |  The monthly meetings of each RALO are an important opportunity for the region to coordinate, discuss policy views and track work progress on their agenda

Who should attend? |  Members of APRALO and anyone else interested in the Asia-Pacific At-Large regional community.


Remote Participation Options:



Agenda Details

1. Action items from last meeting, anything to discuss?

2. Update from the chair of APRALO

3. Update on IGF Proposal (Hong)

4. Outreach - updates on activities/planned activities

  • Open Standards and Internet Association - Seoul

5. ALAC updates for APRALO

6. Staff updates for APRALO

7. Initial planning for Seoul ICANN Meeting
a. Outreach to Korean civil society

8. Any comments of any ICANN issues in relation to APRALO