Responses to the ICG RFP Regarding the IANA Stewardship Transition
The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on September 8 2014 [PDF, 83.4 KB]. This as the by ICG defined process to gather input to the process initiated by US Government on March 14 2014. According to the timeline published [PDF, 59.3 KB] responses are to be submitted to January 15 2015.
At around the ICANN meeting in Singapore ICG will be in "Step 2" in this timeline which is when ICG Develops a Draft Response which later is to be reviewed (see timeline).
To ensure the maximum possible participation, ICG invites the three operational communities (numbers, protocols, names) to at this session present their responses to the RFP, answer questions and otherwise not only to ICG but to anyone interested explain important aspects of their proposals.