11 February 2015

Agenda and Documents

The Meeting started at 13:10 SGT (05:10 UTC):

List of attendees: NCA – Non Voting – Carlos Raúl Gutierrez
Contracted Parties House
Registrar Stakeholder Group: Volker Greimann, James Bladel, Yoav Keren
gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group: Jonathan Robinson, Donna Austin, Bret Fausett
Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Thomas Rickert
Non-Contracted Parties House
Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG):Phil Corwin (arrived after roll call), Susan Kawaguchi Osvaldo Novoa – absent, temporary alternate Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Tony Holmes, Brian Winterfeldt, Heather Forrest
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG): Amr Elsadr, Marilia Maciel, Edward Morris, Stephanie Perrin, Avri Doria, David Cake
Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Daniel Reed

GNSO Council Liaisons/Observers:
Cheryl Langdon Or – ALAC Liaison
Patrick Myles - ccNSO Observer - absent, apologies
Mason Cole – GNSO liaison to the GAC

David Olive - VP Policy Development
Marika Konings - Senior Policy Director
Rob Hoggarth - Senior Policy Director
Mary Wong – Senior Policy Director
Steve Chan – Policy Director
Lars Hoffmann – Policy Analyst
Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat
Cory Schruth – Systems Engineer

MP3 Recording

Item 1: Administrative matters

1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Statement of interest updates
Phil Corwin

1.3 Review/amend agenda
1.4 Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO
Operating Procedures:

Minutes of the GNSO Council meetings 11 December 2014, 15 January 2015 and 29 January 2015 will be posted as approved on 14 February 2015.

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List

Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics
Include review of Projects List [PDF, 948 KB] and Action List.

Action Items:
Form a drafting team to work on suggestions for the new meeting format as proposed by the Meeting Strategy Group.
Volunteers: Bret Fausett, Tony Holmes, James Bladel, Volker Greimann.

Reminder to Avri Doria and Tony Holmes to provide the statement, per the action items from the 15 January 2015 Council meeting where the Council could consider making a public statement where it applauds the work done from all the groups, (the numbers, names and the protocols) and offer a public statement of support recognizing the good work and the benefit from obtaining a coherent approach even if it has taken longer than the set-out timeline. The statement could also note that while meeting the timeline is important, not doing so in the interest of finding the right solution attests to the success of the multi stakeholder model. This statement could possibly come out of the Singapore meeting.

Item 3: Consent agenda

There were no items on the consent agenda.

Item 4: DISCUSSION – Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions

Jonathan Robinson noted that given the deadlines and associated intensity of the work of the CWG as well as the need for the GNSO as a chartering organisation to approve the CWG's ultimate proposal, that it was an opportunity for the Council to discuss its and the GNSO community's further tasks following the GNSO's weekend deliberations on the updated CWG plan and timeline.

Donna Austin reported that the Registry stakeholder group had a discussed the current two options as well as the first four questions in the Discussion Document [PDF, 447 KB].

Phil Corwin reported extensive discussion in the Business Constituency (BC) which filed a comment during the comment period and favored the internal solution. The BC may review its position when the revised document is ready for comment.

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben reported that the Internet Service Provider and Connectivity constituency (ISP) devoted almost half of their discussion time to this item and intends to provide a written document stating the various viewpoints. The constituency intends to provide an evaluation matrix against which the members could check the models.

Thomas Rickert referred to the update [PDF, 272 KB] from the ccNSO that Patrick Myles, in his absence, sent to the Council.

Avri Doria reported that the NCSG had created a document with the nine questions and would be collecting the various views with in the stakeholder group. Attention was also being given to try and integrate the models into a common model. Regular teleconferences make sure that everyone is kept informed.

Heather Forrest reported for the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) that discussions concentrated on making the community fully aware of the background and context of the discussions, while at the same time they were challenged understanding the difference between the internal and external model.

Item 5: DISCUSSION - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability

Thomas Rickert noted that the group was developing a matrix for the various accountability mechanisms and this would be further discussed in the scheduled Accountability meeting the next day. Thomas emphasized that requests had been made to keep the accountability architecture as simple and transparent as possible. There is close interaction with the CWG co-chairs on a weekly basis. An amalgamated list of contingencies has been developed that need to be taken into account to safeguard ICANN against threats such as hostile takeover or financial crisis.

Item 6: DISCUSSION – Progress toward Launching the Pending PDP on the Purpose of gTLD Registration Data (WHOIS)

Susan Kawaguchi, a member of the ICANN Board and GNSO Discussion Group, noted that the community comments made during the GNSO weekend working session in Singapore had been captured by the ICANN Board and GNSO Discussion Group. It was stressed that the community would have ample time to provide input on the final Issue Report.

Council discussion followed on the structure of the Policy Development Process (PDP) that will result, whether there will be one PDP broken into different phases or whether there will be several PDP's. Staff confirmed that the intention was to proceed with one PDP in different phases. It was pointed out that the Issue report was not confined to the work of the Expert Working Group (EWG) but extended to the purpose of registration data. Views were expressed that strong project management is needed and the possibilities of hiring a project manager are not excluded.

Item 7: UPDATE – GNSO / GAC Consultation Group and related work

Mason Cole, the GNSO liaison to the GAC provided Council with an update [PDF, 718 KB] on the GNSO GAC consultation group's work.

Discussion highlighted that stronger collaboration with the GAC was one of the ATRT 2 recommendations and the GAC was providing input not advice. It provides a way to communicate with the GAC outside their communique and in between formal sessions. However concerns were expressed that the 'quick-look' process did not necessarily add value to their input and may dissuade or influence the work of the PDP.

Action item:
Council to sign off on the "quick look process" for the GAC to engage at an early stage in the Policy Development process at next Council meeting on 19 March 2015.

Item 8: UPDATE: GNSO Review

Council was presented with an update [PDF, 996 KB] on the GNSO Review.

Colin Jackson from West Lake Consulting, and Jen Wolfe chair of the GNSO Review working party, explained that the time line had been moved to gather more data and that the Report is expected to be released for public comment on 23 April 2015.

Item 9: DISCUSSION: Potential CWG for Use of Auction Proceeds from New gTLD Auctions

Action item:
Jonathan Robinson committed to writing a letter on behalf of the GNSO to determine whether there was interest from the other Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees to join the GNSO in a potential Community Working Group to develop recommendations on new gTLD auction proceeds.

The feedback will be discussed at the next Council meeting on 19 March 2015.

Item 10: ccNSO Update

Thomas Rickert, the GNSO liaison to the ccNSO, presented Council with a written update [PDF, 272 KB] provided by Patrick Myles, the ccNSO liaison to the GNSO Council, who was absent from the Council meeting.

Action item:
In the absence of the regular joint meeting with the ccNSO and GNSO Council, due to conflicts in the schedule, there was general support for an online meeting/teleconference with the ccNSO to discuss topics of common interest.

Item 11: Any Other Business

11.1 Summary of Upcoming Important Dates and Milestones for GNSO Working Groups

In the interest of time this topic was deferred to the GNSO Wrap-Up meeting on Thursday, 12 February 2015.

Jonathan Robinson adjourned the GNSO Council meeting and thanked everyone for their participation.

The meeting was adjourned at 15:00 Singapore time (07:00 UTC.)

The next GNSO Council meeting will take place on Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 18:00 UTC
See: Calendar

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Title Date Language
GNSO Public Council Meeting 11 Feb 2015 - 13:00 to 15:00 +08 English