Schedule: Saturday, 28 February 2009

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

09:00 - 10:30
Don Diego 2

This session provides a chance for members of the community to comment on the draft final report of the ALAC Review Working Group. This report comments on the ongoing purpose of the ALAC and contains recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of ALAC. The report can be found at
The Working Group is very keen to get the views of the community on this draft final report before a final version is submitted to the Board Structural Improvements Committee. Public comment closes on 17 April.

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:30
Don Diego 3

What it is | The Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) actively works to facilitate the deployment of DNSSEC.  This session is a public
presentation from those actively engaged in the deployment of

Why it's important | Registries, registrars, and others who plan to deploy DNSSEC services will benefit from the presentation and discussion of the
deployment experience.

Who should attend | Anyone with an interest in the deployment of DNSSEC, especially registry and registrar representatives from technical, operational,
and strategic planning roles.


11:00 - 12:30
Don Diego 2

What it is | The Internet Governance Forum concluded its 3rd meeting in Hyderabad in December 2008, and is getting ready to its 4th meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2009. The IGF is holding its first public consultation in preparations for the 4th meeting in Geneva on 23-24 February 2009. IGF's multistakeholder advisory group (MAG) is meeting on 25-26 February 2009. One key item on the agenda of these meetings is preparing for the IGF review process. The workshop aims at briefing the ICANN community on these meeting as well as on the way forward.

Why it's important | Internet Governance addresses a wide range of topics that are of interest to the ICANN's stakeholders. This workshop is an opportunity to inform the ICANN community of the latest updates with respect to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and its activities.

Who should attend | All those interested in the global policy aspects of ICANN's role and wider Internet governance issues.


11:00 - 12:30
Don Diego 4

What it is: Come and hear how the Nominating Committee works at this
presentation and questions and answer session given by committee Chair,
Tricia Drakes, Associate Chair, Alan Levine, and members of the current

Why it's important: The Nominating Committee is charged with filling three
seats on the Board of Directors this year, and leadership positions in the
GNSO, ccNSO and At Large Advisory Committee. Learn how the nomination
process works and how you can apply.

Who should attend: Anyone who's thinking of applying for one of the ICANN
leadership positions, or who wants to know more about how it works.


12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 18:00
Don Alberto 2-4 (Main Room)

E-Crime and Abuse of the DNS Forum Launched at Mexico City

Véase la agenda en español por abajo [PDF, 170K]

Veuillez trouver la version française de l'agenda en bas [PDF, 174K]

Interpretation | There will be simultaneous interpretation for this session starting at 15:30.

Remote Participation Options|

1. Telephonic remote participation (English only)
2. Chat between remote participants and those in the room (English, Spanish, and French)


Instructions on how to participate remotely may be found at this URL:

(participations will be muted by default, please submit your questions via chat interface)

Co-sponsored by the At-Large Summit, this public Workshops is sure to be one of the major highlights of the entire ICANN 34th International Meeting. The Forum, composed of presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions of the participants, will explore how E-Crime online works, how it relates to the DNS, and how arious communities work together to respond to it. With substantial involvement in the session by At-Large Experts from around the World, this session is a must-attend-event not just for Summit delegates but for all ICANN stakeholders.

What it is | The Forum provides participants with an opportunity to discuss numerous global activities and issues related to e-Crime and DNS abuse that involve a broad array of international actors.  While not all of these issues fall within ICANN's narrow mission, the Forum intends to facilitate public dialogue and working relationships on e-Crime and DNS abuse among members of the global Internet community, as requested by the ICANN community.

Why it is important |  As e-Crime and DNS-based abuse targets Internet users and providers worldwide, a key challenge for the Internet community is to understand the environment, policies and legal framework used to combat these online threats.

Who should attend? | Anyone interested in examining: the e-Crime and DNS abuse landscape; and the role of ICANN Staff, ICANN stakeholders, law enforcement agencies, and others in responding to such abuse.     

Summit Microsite | The At-Large Summit microsite has complete information at:

Background: What is the “At-Large Summit”?
The Mexico City meeting is a landmark for ICANN’s At-Large community (“At-Large” is the name used for the individual Internet user community participating in ICANN).
The whole At-Large community will be meeting together face-to-face in the ‘At-Large Summit’. Approximately 90 representatives of At-Large organisations (called “At-Large Structures”) are already confirmed. You will be able to spot them easily, as each will have a ribbon indicating their status as a Summit delegate attached to their ICANN meeting badges.

The Summit is being held 28 February through 5 March 2009 at the Mexico City Sheraton and also at the nearby Melia Mexico Reforma Hotel.  All ICANN meeting attendees are invited and encouraged to attend the sessions, all of which are open to everyone.

As proposed by the At-Large community, the Summit has the following objectives:

•    Develop the community’s capacity for engagement in ICANN by increasing its knowledge and understanding of the key issues confronting ICANN and ICANN’s roles and responsibilities;
•    Provide an opportunity for the community to finalise and present its advice on some of the most important issues facing the ICANN community today; and last but not least,
•    Highlight the successes of the community in recent years and build upon them to ensure that the interests of the world’s more than 1 billion individual Internet users are well represented in the development of Internet name and number policy.

14:00 - 17:30
Don Alberto 1

14:00 - 15:30
Don Diego 3

What it is: The President's Strategy Committee wants to hear what the
community thinks of its draft Implementation Plan for Improving
Institutional Confidence in ICANN. This workshop will quickly outline the
recommendations in the PSC's report to the Board, and then open up for

Why it's important: The President's Strategy COmmittee's draft
Implementation Plan will be submitted to ICANN's Board of Directors for
information, and will be discussed by the ICANN community at a workshop
during this week's Mexico City meeting. This workshop is a dedicated session
for discussion on a set of recommendations that the Board is expected to
make a decision about at the Sydney meeting in June 2009.

Who should attend: Anyone interested in the steps needed to improve
institutional confidence in ICANN.

Full documentation and draft recommendations are published at:


14:00 - 15:30
IPv6 Workshop
Don Diego 4

What it is | What it is | An opportunity to discuss with different partners specific
measures to facilitate a smooth transition and to encourage ISP and relevant
stakeholders to work on IPv4/IPv6 interoperability.

Why it's important |
It is anticipated that the IANA free pool of IPv4
addresses will be empty by mid 2011. Deploying  IPv6 before then will help
make sure ISP and enterprise networks will be able to continue growing when
IPv4 is fully allocated. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are
preparing their infrastructure for the new protocol but there are many ISPs
that still struggle with the challenges ahead.

Who should attend? |
Local ISPs and all those interested to learn more about
the challenges of the adoption of IPv6.An opportunity to discuss with different partners specific measures to facilitate a smooth transition and to encourage ISP and relevant stakeholders to work on IPv4/IPv6 interoperability.