9:30 - 10:00 Utrillo (Main Room) What it is | Welcome to Paris, and formal opening of the 32nd International Public Meeting.
Why it's important | It is the formal opening of the meeting and features local Dignatories. Who should attend? | All ICANN meeting participants are encouraged to attend this event to learn more about meeting activities and the ICANN community. |
10:00 - 10:10 Picasso What it is | A welcome by the Chairman of ICANN, Peter Dengate Thrush to attendees from the Business community.
Why it's important | This is the first business stream that ICANN has run. Who should attend? | All those interested in business issues and their intersection with ICANN. |
10:10 - 12:30 Picasso What it is | An information session of business on IDNs and new gTLDs to be run by Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President, Services, Doug Brent, Chief Operating Officer, and TIna Dam, IDN Program Director. Why it's important | These two issues will be crucial for business. They require planning and careful thought in assessing their impact. Who should attend? | Business people who are interested in two major issues that will have an impact on business models reliant in the Internet. |
12:30 - 13:30 Giacometti What it is | IP address utilisation is affected by policy decisions. As we near the depletion of previously unallocated IPv4 addresses, it becomes more urgent to understand how policies implemented at the local, national, regional, and global levels will encourage or discourage the deployment of IPv6.
This workshop will be led by Doug Brent, Chief Operating Officer and is intended to provide some background for how the Internet has arrived at this point, and to give some sense of how different participants in IP addressing policy can affect the Internet's future direction.
17:30 - 18:30 Picasso What it is | Members of the ICANN Board of Directors and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) will participate in an open dialogue on current issues.
Why it's Important | The Board and the GAC meet at each ICANN meeting to address issues of interest, including matters relating to public policy and the GAC's work. This is an example of the important role of governments in the ICANN process, the engagement with respective stakeholders in the ICANN structure as the implementation of, and work relating to, international public-private partnership. Who Should Attend? | Government representatives, any stakeholders with an interest in ICANN and public policy issues. |