Section II Statement of Capabilities of the Applicant
and Contracted Service Providers
Executive Summary
The Internet Society's (ISOC) bid on behalf of its subsidiary, Public
Interest Registry, Inc. (PIR), to operate the registry rests on its extraordinary
capabilities in two areas.
First, ISOC is the foremost non-profit organization focused exclusively
on Internet-issues-and has been for more than ten years. As the organizational
home of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Architecture
Board (IAB), and other Internet standards-setting bodies, ISOC has a global
constituency that provides deep understanding of the policy and management
issues facing TLDs, as well as keen insight into proposed enhancements
to .ORG. PIR will have the benefit of ISOC's established consensus building
mechanisms that will enable it to manage both policy and strategy for
the domain. Further, ISOC has earned the respect of the Internet and noncommercial
communities, which will help PIR.
Second, PIR has Afilias' commitment to provide the back-end registry
services for .ORG. Afilias is the registry operator for .INFO, the most
successful of the 7 new gTLDs, and the .VC ccTLD. Afilias manages more
than 805,000 names in .INFO using the new EPP (Extensible Provisioning
Protocol) standard for registry operations-and has spearheaded the use
of EPP, including the first implementation of EPP's transfer capability.
Afilias supports more than 90 ICANN-accredited registrars. Together these
registrars already handle 99% of .ORG's current registrations. Afilias
has prepared an EPP transition plan based on experience both with these
registrars and a similar conversion being managed by AusRegistry Pty.
Ltd., in Australia. (Afilias is a minority shareholder in AusRegistry.)
This section will detail the capabilities of PIR and Afilias to deliver
"best in class" registry services that enhance the stability
of the Internet, deliver affordable services with a high degree of service
responsiveness and reliability, and enable .ORG to realize its full potential
on a global basis.
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C11. Overview
As stated in the Criteria
for Assessing Proposals, "ICANN's first priority is to preserve
the stability of the Internet" and "ICANN will place significant
emphasis on the demonstrated ability of the applicant or a member of the
proposing team to operate a TLD registry of significant scale in a manner
that provides affordable services with a high degree of service responsiveness
and reliability." This section of the Proposal offers the applicant
the opportunity to demonstrate its ability to operate the .org registry
in that manner.
Throughout this document, operation of the .ORG registry,
including providing all associated Registry Services, as defined in subsection
1.16 of the model .org Registry Agreement, is referred to as the "Registry
Summary of how PIR's proposal meets or exceeds the 11 Assessment
This section summarizes how PIR's capabilities meet or
exceed all of the assessment criteria. Expanded discussions follow in
the subsequent sections of this proposal.
1. PIR will provide a stable,
well-functioning .ORG registry
PIR has identified a team that will operate .ORG in such a way
as to preserve the stability of the Internet and the DNS; deliver
technically sound, high quality services; and meet the needs of
.ORG registrants.
PIR's ability to operate the registry in a technologically stable
manner is provided through its selection of Afilias as its back-end
registry services provider. Afilias has more domain years of management
experience with the new EPP protocol than any other registry services
provider. As the operator of the .INFO TLD, Afilias has demonstrated
its ability to manage day-to-day registry operations in a stable,
reliable, and secure manner, delivering excellent service levels
to both registrars and registrants.
Beyond this, Afilias managed the "Sunrise" and "Land
Rush" periods for the new .INFO gTLD. These complex and critical
phases of the launch illustrate Afilias' ability to successfully
support "first-ever" policy implementations that have
significant technical, legal, and customer service implications.
In conjunction with this launch, Afilias also implemented the first-ever
near-real-time propagation of domain information. This allowed registrants
to register a domain name and then have their domains live and functioning
on the Web within minutes, introducing unprecedented speed and ease
of use for registrants worldwide. Afilias has also assisted in the
first-ever transition of an existing domain to an EPP registry system.
Afilias continues to strengthen its capabilities, and is now taking
the speed and reliability of its DNS service to the next level.
PIR will provide high quality services to both .ORG registrants
and registrars. In addition to core registry services, PIR plans
to strengthen .ORG by developing and introducing, at the registry
level, services tailored to noncommercial entities such as registrant
controlled name locking; search engine submission; a .ORG directory;
name watch; navigational links; plus database and list management.
Given the relatively unsophisticated nature of many noncommercial
organizations, we believe that these extra "helping hand"
services can help them move successfully to the Internet.
ISOC is a long-standing member of the community of .ORG registrants,
and many of its existing programs support these organizations. In
addition to the many existing ISOC programs detailed in Section
VII ("Responsiveness to the Noncommercial Internet User Community"),
PIR proposes adding two major new elements:
- The establishment of a .ORG Advisory Council: leaders from key
noncommercial groups who provide advice to .ORG management on
policy and other issues.
- A special input section on the PIR Web site that provides .ORG
news and empowers visitors to comment on and even introduce items
of interest.
Details may be found in Section III ("Technical Plan");
Section V ("Proposed Registry Services"), and Section
VII ("Responsiveness to the Noncommercial Internet User Community").
2. PIR will comply
with ICANN-developed policies
ISOC stands firmly behind the goals and outcomes of
the ICANN policy development process. This was one of the key considerations
in the selection of Afilias, who deals with ICANN-accredited registrars
ONLY, and already has proven mechanisms in place to ensure equitably
shared registry access, adherence to the UDRP process (as well as
the special Sunrise Challenge process), compliance with the WHOIS
data accessibility requirements, and so on. The most complete review
of the proposal's adherence to ICANN policies can be found in Section
III ("Technical Plan").
3. PIR's .ORG
will enhance competition for registration services
Under PIR management, competition in the domain space
will be strengthened in three ways:
- First, PIR will be a new entry to the registry space, providing
an effective new voice for the long-neglected noncommercial sector.
- Second, this proposal strengthens a currently small but promising
back-end registry services player (Afilias, which holds 3% of
the current gTLD registry market), ensuring the continued availability
of a realistic alternative to VeriSign.
- And third, PIR is proposing an effective marketing effort for
.ORG, reinforcing its strengths and establishing strong branding
that will withstand inevitable market changes in the future. Details
are found in Section VI ("Enhancement of Competition")
and Section VIII ("Differentiation of the .ORG TLD").
4. PIR will differentiate
the .ORG TLD
PIR's program for differentiating .ORG is far-reaching and realistic.
Through a combination of marketing and public relations, PIR's program
will create a sustainable competitive advantage for .ORG through:
1) a clear and compelling positioning that leverages .ORG's noncommercial
heritage and sets it apart from other TLDs; 2) a marketing campaign
that enlists and equips registrars to tap .ORG's growth potential;
and 3) a public relations program that expands the market by educating
the budding noncommercial sector around the world. Details are provided
in Section VIII ("Differentiation of the .ORG TLD").
5. PIR will institute mechanisms
to ensure responsiveness to the non-commercial community
PIR will institute mechanisms for promoting the registry's operation
in a manner that is responsive to the needs, concerns, and views
of the non-commercial Internet user community.
ISOC has long-established mechanisms in place for responding to
and supporting noncommercial Internet users. These include a wide
range of programs of global impact that support ISOC's four pillars:
education and training (including outreach to less-developed countries);
standards and protocols; public policy; and membership. PIR will
supplement these with: 1) a new .ORG Advisory Council selected from
globally representative leaders from noncommercial organizations;
and 2) additional Web-based input mechanisms that allow comment
by interested parties. Details of these mechanisms are found Section
VII ("Responsiveness to the Noncommercial Internet User Community").
6. PIR has a high level of
support from .ORG registrants
ISOC's established reputation allows PIR's approach to enjoy the
support of a wide range of individuals and entities, including the
leaders of many noncommercial entities both inside and outside the
Internet space. These organizations and individuals are attracted
by ISOC's heritage of responsiveness and support for noncommercial
interests, and PIR's proposed governance and consensus-building
mechanisms. This solid foundation will help enable .ORG to reach
its full potential under new management. Details regarding these
supportive organizations and individuals are found in Section VII
("Responsiveness to the Noncommercial Internet User Community").
7. PIR will provide registry
services better than those currently provided
PIR will provide high-quality, reasonably priced services to both
.ORG registrants and registrars. Once transitioned, .ORG will operate
as a "thick" registry based on EPP, providing all of the
core registry functions needed to support a TLD consistent with
ICANN requirements. EPP provides a number of improvements over the
legacy RRP system, including the benefits of having "thick"
registrant information kept at the registry level, near-instant
WHOIS updating, and faster resolution of registered names. These
benefits will be available to .ORG automatically upon completion
of the transition to PIR's EPP system. See Section III ("Technical
In addition to core registry services, PIR plans to strengthen
.ORG by introducing the add-on services described in Section V ("Proposed
Registry Services").
We will maintain the current price of US$6.00/domain year for three
- First, we know from experience that we can provide the enhanced
core services at the current price (add-on services may be priced
separately). It is not necessary to increase the registration/renewal
price to cover costs.
- Second, a portion of the current price is needed to fund the
activities outlined in the proposal for properly serving the noncommercial
community and developing the space.
- And third, we believe that a price reduction at the registry
level is unlikely to be reflected in the retail price. Hence,
a price reduction would have no benefit to registrants or Internet
8. PIR will support and adopt
protocol changes in the shared registry system
PIR will contract with Afilias to provide back-end registry services.
ISOC itself is deeply involved in the standards-setting process
and works closely with every major Internet standards-setting body.
Afilias has more experience with the new EPP standard than any other
provider, and is an active participant in the various industry groups
that determine the evolution of the standards. Both PIR and Afilias
share a commitment to open standards and ISOC's mission, which is
"to assure the open development, evolution, and use of the
Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world."
This commitment is illustrated by plans Afilias already has in
place to: 1) improve the speed, reliability, and security of its
DNS services; and 2) evolve to the new EPP v0.6, the most recent
and current version of this protocol. See Section III ("Technical
Plan") for an extensive discussion of this topic.
9. PIR will provide a smooth
Central to PIR's selection of Afilias as the back-end provider
was Afilias' reputation for stability and its deliberate approach
to problem solving. Afilias is a pioneer in transitioning an existing
TLD to EPP through its relationship with AusRegistry. Afilias provided
technical assistance to AusRegistry for moving parts of the .AU
ccTLD to EPP, a transition now in progress and set to launch July
1, 2002. Further, auDA, the .AU governing body, contracted Afilias
to certify the transition before allowing it to proceed. We are
confident that the transition of .ORG will be as smooth as possible
and that any wrinkles that occur will be addressed with Afilias'
deliberate, thorough manner. Section III ("Technical Plan")
contains a complete plan.
10. PIR will comply with
the requirements of the VeriSign endowment
PIR is both able and fully committed to complying with the requirements
of the endowment. While the endowment is not required for PIR to
successfully transition .ORG, it will greatly accelerate our ability
to reinvigorate the domain and make it the true global home of non-commercial
organizations on the Internet.
PIR proposes that the endowment be dedicated primarily to expanding
outreach to non-commercial organizations on behalf of .ORG. The
non-commercial community worldwide is technologically behind other
economic sectors in adopting and leveraging the Internet. The key
impediment is lack of KNOWLEDGE. To address this pressing need,
PIR proposes to field extensive programming for non-commercials
in two areas: education and awareness building, especially in technologically
emerging markets.
These supplemental efforts will include expanded and tailored versions
of the proven ISOC-modeled workshops, Internet Fiestas, and conferences
designed to reach out to and educate non-commercials. To build awareness,
we would enlarge core marketing and PR activities (e.g. press outreach,
speakers at non-commercial events, on-line resource center) to reach
more non-commercials with a more tailored package.
In addition, we also propose investing a portion of the endowment
in accelerating the availability of new .ORG services designed to
help organizations develop their visibility, give donors peace of
mind, and connect people to communities. These include: no-cost,
value adding services such as name locking, a directory, and site
linking; and low cost options to add monitoring, search engine submission
and security services. While these products are part of the ongoing
plan, endowment funds would provide immediate resources to initiate
development and get these into the market more quickly.
These efforts have the dual benefits of helping these organizations
enter the Internet age and building .ORG sites through the recruitment
of quality registrants. And, they will address the goals of the
endowment, since: PIR is a non-profit organization; and these activities
deliver primary market development, a future operating expense of
the registry. Section IX ("The VeriSign Endowment") contains
11. PIR's proposal is complete
and realistic, and demonstrates sound analysis
We believe that this proposal is complete, and addresses not only
the requirements stated in the .ORG Proposal Form, but also all
of the requirements for successfully transitioning and operating
the .ORG domain for the benefit of current and future .ORG registrants.
ISOC believes that it has more experience assessing and solving
Internet-related issues than any other organization in existence.
This makes PIR well qualified to provide general and policy management
to a significant domain such as .ORG. Further, its standing in the
noncommercial community makes it particularly well suited to manage
a domain dedicated to an extremely large and varied community, the
needs of which can best be understood by a fellow member.
To provide back-end registry services, PIR has selected Afilias,
the leading EPP pioneer. Afilias brings extensive experience with:
the .INFO launch using EPP; domain transition to EPP; EPP capabilities
such as transfers; and relationships with nearly all of the current
ICANN-accredited .ORG registrars. Afilias has an established track
record of delivering back-end registry services in a stable, secure,
and professional manner consistent with ICANN's requirements.
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C12. Contracted Service Providers
State whether the applicant intends to perform all aspects
of the Registry Function, or whether the applicant intends to outsource
some or all aspects of the Registry Function to other entities that will
provide services or facilities under contract with the applicant. If any
portion(s) of the services or facilities will be provided by another entity
under contract, please describe which portion(s), state the time period
during which they will be provided under contract, and identify what entity
will be providing the services or facilities..
PIR will manage all policy and general management aspects of the .ORG
domain. Afilias will provide back-end registry services. These include
operational interfacing with Registrars and managing the names from registration
through resolution. Afilias already supports the .INFO domain. Afilias
is committed to the contract between ICANN and PIR for its duration. Afilias,
in turn, has long-term contracts with best-in-class technology providers
such as IBM, UltraDNS, and DSI Technology Escrow Services (a subsidiary
of Iron Mountain Incorporated), which, in combination, enable the company
to deliver complete domain services. Section III ("Technical Plan")
contains details.
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C13. Identification of Contracted Service
Identify by name each entity other than the applicant
that will provide any of the following:
- all services and facilities used to perform the Registry
- any portion of the services and facilities used to perform the Registry
Function accounting for 10% or more of overall costs of the Registry Function;
- any portion of any of the services and facilities used to perform the
following parts of the Registry Function accounting for 25% or more of
overall costs of the part: database operation, zone file generation, zone
file distribution and publication, billing and collection, data escrow
and backup, customer (registrar) support, and Whois service.
The identification of each entity should include:
C13.1 The full legal name, principal address, telephone
and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the entity, and the URL of its
principal World Wide Web site.
C13.2. A general description of the entity's business and other activities.
C13.3. The entity's type (e.g., corporation, partnership, etc.) and law
(e.g., Denmark) under which it is organized. Please state whether the
entity is for-profit or non-profit. If it is non-profit, please provide
a detailed statement of its mission.
C13.4. Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number (if any) of the entity.
C13.5. The number of employees currently employed by the entity.
C13.6. The entity's total revenue (in US dollars) in the last-ended fiscal
See summary chart
Full Legal Name |
Afilias Limited |
IBM Corporation |
DSI Technology
Services, Inc. |
(Wholly owned
subsidiary of
Iron Mountain, Inc.) |
Principal address |
Office 125
52 Broomhill Road
Tallaght, Dublin 24 Ireland |
New Orchard
Road Armonk,
New York 10504 |
800 N. San Mateo
DriveSan Mateo,
CA 94401 |
745 Atlantic
MA 02111 |
Telephone number |
+353-1-431-0511 |
1-914-499-1900 |
1-650-227-2600 |
1-617-535-4766 |
Fax number |
+353-1-431-0557 |
1-650-227-2662 |
1-617-350-7881 |
E-mail address |
support@afilias.info |
query |
info@ultradns.com |
info@ironmountain.com |
World wide web site |
http://www.afilias.info/ |
http://www.ibm.com/ |
http://www.ultradns.com/ |
http://www.ironmountain.com/ |
Business and other activities |
Afilias is a fully integrated global provider of
domain name registry services. Afilias was formed in September of
2000 and was the first new gTLD operator selected by ICANN in November
of 2000 to launch a new registry system using a thick registry model
based on the new EPP (extensible provisioning protocol) standard. |
At IBM, we strive to lead
in the creation,
development and
manufacture of the industry's most
advanced information technologies,including
computer systems, software, networking
systems, storage devices
and microelectronics.
We translatethese
advanced technologies
into value for our
customers through our
professional solutions
and services businesses
UltraDNS Corporation is the leading Directory
Infrastructure Services Provider (DISP), delivering solutions that
enhance the reliability and performance of the world's largest directories
and the mission-critical applications that access them. UltraDNS provides
managed services and also develops custom infrastructure solutions
based on its proprietary Directory Services Platform, the first global
directory infrastructure capable of the most demanding database problems
-- such as Internet site requests. |
Iron Mountain, Inc. is the global leader in records
and information management services. Iron Mountain currently provides
services to over 150,000 customer accounts in 80 markets in the United
States and 44 markets outside of the United States. The Company operates
over 650 records management facilities in the United States, Canada,
Europe and Latin America. |
Entity type |
Corporation |
Corporation |
Corporation |
Corporation |
Jurisdiction |
Ireland |
New York |
Delaware |
Pennsylvania |
D-U-N-S |
98-539-8986 |
00-136-8083 |
15-050-9185 |
62-253-5417 |
No. of employees |
30 |
319,876 |
32 |
11,300 |
Annual revenue |
US$1,118,923 |
US$85.9 billion |
Privately held |
US$1.2 billion |
Annual report |
Attached (See Appendix A) |
2001/home/index.html |
irm_ar01.pdf |
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C14. Agreements with Contracted Service
For each entity identified in item
C13, please state the scope and terms of the contract under which
the facilities or services will be provided and attach documentary evidence
that the entity has committed to enter into that contract.
ISOC has selected Afilias, Limited to support PIR by providing the back
end registry management services for .ORG. Afilias is a fully integrated
global provider of domain name registry services and is committed to delivering
all the core registry functions required to operate the .ORG TLD successfully,
including: database development and management; zone file generation,
distribution and publication; operational testing and evaluation; dispute
resolution; billing; technical and customer support; data escrow and backup;
WHOIS; and system security. At PIR's direction, Afilias will manage the
names from registration through to resolution.
Evidence of Afilias' commitment is shown below and in Appendix

In addition, Afilias has committed to provide a $250,000 line of credit
to PIR to cover any start-up expenses, contingent upon the selection of
ISOC's bid by ICANN.
Afilias, in turn, has entered into long-term agreements with the following
vendors to provide critical functions for the operation of the registry:
- International Business Machines (IBM) [http://www.ibm.com]
and Afilias have an existing long-term agreement to provide data center,
systems and technology. Please refer to Section III for technical details.
- UltraDNS Corporation (UltraDNS) [http://www.ultradns.com]
and Afilias have an existing long-term agreement to provide global DNS
services on behalf of the registry operator. Please refer to Section
III for technical details.
- Iron Mountain, Inc. (DSITechnology Escrow Services) [http://www.ironmountain.com]
and Afilias have an existing long-term agreement to perform data escrow
services. Please refer to Section III for technical details.
C15. Abilities of Applicant and Key Technical
Describe in detail the abilities of the applicant
and the entities identified in item
C13 to operate a TLD registry of significant scale in a manner that
provides affordable services with a high degree of service responsiveness
and reliability. Your response should give specifics, including significant
past or present achievements and activities of the applicant and the entities
identified in item C13
that demonstrate the described abilities. It should also include information
about key technical personnel (qualifications and experience), size of
technical workforce, and access to systems development tools.
A. Overview: Applicant's ability
to operate the .ORG TLD registry
ISOC believes that it has more experience assessing and solving
Internet related issues than any other organization in existence.
Through its links to virtually every significant Internet technical
body, it has access to the Internet's most experienced and visionary
individuals. This provides PIR with outstanding qualifications for
the general and policy management of .ORG.
Further, ISOC has senior standing in the noncommercial community,
as illustrated by the endorsements detailed in Section VII ("Responsiveness
to the Noncommercial Internet user Community"). This will make
it much easier for PIR to successfully manage a large domain dedicated
to the needs of fellow noncommercial organizations.
PIR has chosen Afilias as its back-end registry services provider.
Afilias brings significant strength to .ORG, including: 1) experience
managing a large registry in a stable, secure manner; 2) EPP knowledge
including transition of existing names to EPP; and 3) existing capacity
to immediately handle the demands of .ORG. Further, Afilias has
standing relationships with virtually all of the ICANN Accredited
registrars currently handling .ORG.-which will make the transition
even smoother.
The management of a domain of the scale of .ORG is a significant
challenge for any organization. However, we have assembled a seasoned
team that possesses the qualifications, character and capacity to
revitalize .ORG and enable it to fulfill its potential as the global
home of noncommercial entities on the Internet.
B. Key Technical Personnel/Size
of Technical Workforce/ Access to Systems Development Tools
Afilias' technology team combines many years of experience in designing,
building and maintaining highly scalable, distributed and networked
transaction-based systems. The team is led by Ram Mohan, the company's
VP of Business Operations and CTO, along with Howard Eland, Afilias'
Senior Technology Architect, Michael Young, the company's Director
of Information Technology, and Andrew Sullivan, the company's Senior
Database Architect.
Ram helped Afilias navigate through the launch of the .INFO domain,
including the first-ever large scale random-ordered queue processing
system, followed by a transition to a real-time first-come-first-served
Registry system. Ram's prior experience is in massively parallel,
real-time transaction based systems in the search engine and financial
services industries. Ram was the architect of and led the team responsible
for one of the largest existing full-text document search engines
in the world, Electric Library (http://www.elibrary.com)
- a system that serves over 4,000 transactions concurrently with
sub-second performance, performing natural-language search over
40 million documents with over 500 million keywords. Ram serves
on ICANN's Committee on Security and Stability, is a member of the
DNSO WHOIS Task Force, and is the Registry representative on ICANN's
Technical Steering Committee on Redemption Grace Periods. Ram has
a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Mangalore,
an MBA in Entrepreneurial Management from Bharathidasan University,
and is completing an MS in Computer Science from Drexel University,
The team's strengths are significantly augmented by Howard Eland,
the company's Senior Technology Architect. Howard most recently
helped design the new EPP-6 compliant .AU registry to be highly
scalable and support the transition of over 300,000 .AU domains.
Howard brings a background in networking, security, database and
systems architecture, and is an Internet pioneer who founded Information
Technology Enterprises Inc. (ITEI), an early Internet and Application
Services company. Howard's prior experience includes significant
assignments at Infonautics Inc, and at AT&T GIS' Federal Systems
Division, including the development of 2,000,000 lines of C language
code for X.400 systems for the US Army. Howard is actively involved
in the IETF's provreg group, as well as other Internet standards
working groups. Howard has been published in various peer-reviewed
technical journals. Howard has a B.S. in Computer Science from the
Michigan State University.
Michael Young strengthens the company's technology leadership.
In his role as Director of Information Technology, Michael oversees
the day-to-day operations of the .INFO registry, and is responsible
for the significant optimization of the Registry system in 2001,
leading to its stable, speedy and scalable characteristics. The
most recent 7 years of Michael's 12 year IT experience has been
in systems operations and software development management, specializing
in 24/7 high availability environments. Michael headed up technology
operations for one of the Canadian Stock Exchange's institutional
brokerage houses, Griffiths McBurney and Partners. As, Senior Project
Manager at an Internet based grocery retailer, GroceryGateway.com,
he coordinated and engineered the start-up of mission critical systems
involving business systems, development and IT. In addition to numerous
technology certifications, Michael has a B.A. from the University
of Toronto.
Andrew Sullivan is the company's Senior Database Architect, and
brings strong knowledge and experience in database design, development
and deployment. Andrew began exploring database design in 1996,
while pursuing graduate studies at McMaster University. His interest
led him to abandon his studies, and to enter the technology sector.
After two years, he returned to McMaster to work in Computing and
Information Services. He holds a B.A. form the University of Ottawa
and an M.A. from McMaster University. Andrew is active in the database
Afilias' technical workforce numbers over 20, and includes key
personnel in Database Administration, Systems Architecture, Quality
Assurance, Technical Support, Documentation, Database Analysis,
Financial Systems and Billing Support, as well as front-line Customer
Support. Section III, C17.11 describes in further detail key technical
personnel who will help the .org registry establish the highest
standards of customer service and problem resolution.
The .ORG registry will have access to the full range of systems
development and monitoring tools that have been acquired or developed
by Afilias. These tools will provide the .ORG registry unparalleled
ability to provide best-of-breed services to registrars, registrants,
organizations, individuals and other interested parties. The registry
has a strong background and has implemented engineering standards
in each of the major components of registry management, including
(but not limited to) software code management, quality assurance
and control, software operations metrics, systematic testing procedures
and formal development and operational methodologies. The .ORG registry
intends to meet or exceed stringent technical, security and performance
standards and set the benchmark for how a registry in the public
interest ought to operate.
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