- Application for the .org Top-Level Domain -
The .ORG Foundation


C50. The following documentation should be provided in support of your .org Proposal:

C50.1. Organizational documents of applicant. A copy of the organizational documents (articles of association, bylaws, enabling legislation, etc.) of the applicant.

The following organizational documents for The .Org Foundation are included: Governance Plan in Appendix A, Bylaws in Appendix D, Chartering documents in Appendix E, and The .Org Foundation Mission Statement in Appendix G.

C50.2. Organizational documents of certain other entities. A copy of the organizational documents of each non-profit entity identified in item C13.

No response required.

C50.3. Business references. A list of significant trade and credit references of the applicant and each entity identified in item C13.

The .Org Foundation, a newly formed nonprofit, is incorporated with the State of Washington, U.S.A.. Charter documents are included in Appendix E. Business references for eNom, Inc. are included in Appendix H.

C50.4. Annual reports. A copy of the most recent annual financial report (or similar document), if any, of the applicant and each entity identified in item C13.

The .Org Foundation is a new entity, therefore no prior annual report is available. The Foundation's proposed budget is included in Appendix B for review and the quarterly financials for fiscal year end (Quarter 1 and Quarter 2) for eNom, Inc. are included in Appendix I.

C50.5. Evidence of commitment. Any documentation requested by item C14.

The contractual agreement between The .Org Foundation and eNom, Inc. regarding the duties and accountabilities of eNom, Inc. as the registry service provider for the .org TLD is included in Appendix C.

C50.6. Evidence of community support. Any documentation requested by item C36.

We have obtained several letters of support from the Internet user community and have included them in Appendix F. We anticipate more support as our bid for the .org registry and our mission of commitment to serve the .org community becomes more widely known.

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