Welcome to the ICANN57 schedule! This seven-day, Annual General Meeting is focused on outreach, capacity building, and showcasing ICANN’s work to a broader global audience. For more details about the meeting, click here.
GNSO Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process Working Group Summary of the meeting: This GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) was initiated in February 2016 as a two-phased PDP. In Phase One, which is ongoing, the PDP Working Group is reviewing all the rights protection mechanisms (RPMs) that were developed for ICANN’s 2012 New gTLD Program. Phase Two, to commence when Phase One is completed and following a preliminary report, will focus on the long-standing Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy. At this open session, the Working Group will update the community on the status of its work, including its initial review of the Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure which is expected to have been completed by this time, and seek community input on the remaining work in Phase One, including the Trademark Clearinghouse and the associated RPMs offered through its services (i.e. sunrise registrations and Trademark Claims notifications) and the Uniform Rapid Suspension procedure. AGENDA: https://community.icann.org/x/QAe4Aw - Staff Leader: Mary Wong
Mary Wong is a Senior Policy Director with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN), in which capacity she handles global policy development work relating to the coordination and management of the Internet domain name system. Prior to joining ICANN, she was a... Read More →