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Tuesday, November 8 • 15:15 - 16:45
APAC Space

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Space for Asia Pacific (APAC) Community to raise issues, share views and coordinate activities. The session will continue discussion on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (PDP) and shine the spotlight on one of the work tracks within the PDP.
APAC Community members are encouraged to give your input in advance on issues to discuss or raise.
APAC Space Agenda:
1. Welcome Remarks (3 mins) • Jia-Rong Low, VP and Managing Director of ICANN Asia Pacific; • APAC Space community lead Edmon Chung, CEO DotAsia 2. Self-Introduction by APAC community members (15 mins) • To also raise any issues to discuss in ‘APAC developments’ (section 6 below) 3. Brief Introduction of New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (PDP) by ICANN Policy Staff (5 mins) • Quick recap for newcomers • General Overview, Aims & Objectives • Current APAC Participation 4. Introduction of PDP Work Track 1: Overall Process/Support/Outreach by Co-Group Leads(s) Christa Taylor and Sara Bockey (15 mins) • Scope of Work and Priorities • Work Plan • Current discussion and how can APAC community participate more actively 5. Q&A / Discussion – moderated by Edmon Chung, CEO DotAsia (25 mins) 6. General Discussion on APAC developments – moderated by Edmon Chung, CEO DotAsia (25 mins) 7. AOB (2 mins) • Next APAC Space Web Conference
Staff Leader: Joyce Chen

Tuesday November 8, 2016 15:15 - 16:45

Attendees (39)