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Monday, November 7 • 11:00 - 12:45
DNSSEC Workshop -- Part 2

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DNSSEC deployment is continuing to move forward. This session is a public presentation and discussion with those actively engaged in the deployment of DNSSEC. Why it's Important: Registries, registrars, ISP's and others who plan to deploy DNSSEC services will benefit from the presentation and discussion of the deployment experience. Who Should Attend? Anyone with an interest in the deployment of DNSSEC, particularly registry, registrar and ISP representatives with technical, operational, and strategic planning roles.   Agenda:   0900-0930: State of DNSSEC Deployment Report 0930-1030: Regional Updates 1030-1100: Coffee Break 1100-1200:  Root Key Rollover Panel Discussion: Recursive resolver software readiness 1200-1230: Presentation: Aggressive NSEC Caching, Warren Kumari, Google 1230-1245:  DNSSEC/DNS Quiz 1245-1345: Lunch Break 1345-1500: Additional presentations/panels (75 min)
Staff Leader: Julie Hedlund

Staff Facilitators
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Julie Hedlund

Policy Director & SSAC Support, ICANN
Julie Hedlund is responsible for supporting the work of the Security and StabilityAdvisory Committee (SSAC), including coordinating meetings and the development and tracking of reports. In addition, she provides support for the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO... Read More →

Monday November 7, 2016 11:00 - 12:45

Attendees (53)