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Welcome to the ICANN57 schedule! This seven-day, Annual General Meeting is focused on outreach, capacity building, and showcasing ICANN’s work to a broader global audience. For more details about the meeting, click here

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Monday, November 7 • 09:30 - 10:30
ccNSO Members Day - Day 2 (pt 1)

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Legal Session The evolving model of Internet governance, local policy development implications for ccTLDs Agenda: https://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/hyderabad57/agenda.htm
Staff Leader: Kimberly Carlson

Staff Facilitators
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Kimberly Carlson

ccNSO Support Lead Administrator, ICANN
Kimberly joined ICANN in 2015 in the capacity of Coordinator, SO/AC Support.  She is responsible for the administrative, operations and logistical support of the ccNSO.  Most recently, she worked as an Account Manager of a teleconferencing company.

Monday November 7, 2016 09:30 - 10:30
Hall 5 (ccNSO)

Attendees (37)