ATLAS II > Mentor & Mentee Pairing

Mentor & Mentee Pairing

ATLAS II Participants Attending with ICANN Travel Support

The following participants are receiving travel support from ICANN to attend ATLAS II.

This list will be kept up-to-date by Staff and applicable ATLAS II Working Groups for transparency and accountability.


Column explanation and use for the PARTICIPANTS table:

  • Name: Name of the participant - “name givenname”  –  sorted by the “name” in descending alphabetical order. Cell format: aligned to the left.
  • Affiliation: Name of the ALS that the person is representing. All Nomcom appointee should be identified as such: “ALAC Nomcom Appointee”. Cell format: aligned to the left.
  • Region: Indicates the Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) of the the participant. Use capital letter “X” to indicate the region. Refer to the legend for nomenclature definition. Cell format: aligned to the center.
  • Thematic Sessions: Indicates the thematic session that the participant is attending. Use capital letter “X” to indicate the session. This column should be kept up-to-date by Staff and the ATLAS II Events Sub-Working Group.Refer to the legend for nomenclatured definition. Cell format: aligned to the center
  • Mentor: Indicates which mentor has been assigned to the participant. Use the two letter name abbreviations defined in the legend. This column should be kept up-to-date by Staff and the ATLAS II Mentoring Program Working Group. Cell format: aligned to the center. NOTE: each participant should be either a Mentor or have a mentor assigned.
  • Attended (Y/N): Indicates if the participant attended the summit. Use capital letter “Y” for yes and “N” for no. Cell format: aligned to the center.  NOTE: This column should be filled-out after the event

Column explanation and use for the TOTALS table:

  • Participants: Total number of participants. Cell format: aligned to the center
  • Region: Total number of participants per Regional At-Large Organization (RALO). Refer to the legend for nomenclature definition. Cell format: aligned to the center.
  • Thematic Sessions: Total number of participants per thematic session. Refer to the legend for nomenclatured definition. Cell format: aligned to the center
  • Mentor: Total number of mentors in the “Y” column and total number of  mentees in the “N” column. Cell format: aligned to the center.
  • Attendance: Total number of participants that attended the summit. Cell format: aligned to the center.  NOTE: This column should be filled-out after the event
  • %: Percentage of the number of people that participated in the summit. Calculated as follows: Attendance/Participants * X00. NOTE: This column should be filled-out after the event

General tables usage:

  • Both tables should be updated at the same time
  • Revision date should be reflected every time the table is updated except if more than one update occurs the same day
  • The words “work in progress” should be changed to the word “FINAL” after the final table update. This update should be done shortly after the event.


First Name
Adetokunbo Abiola AFRALO Nigerian Internet Users Coalition Tijani Ben Jemaa
Tijani Ben Jemaa ALAC Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations N/A
Hawa Diakite AFRALO ISOC Mali Abdelaziz Hilali
Alioune Badara Diop AFRALO Bokk Jang Bokk Jef Tijani Ben Jemaa
Beran Dondeh Gillen AFRALO N/A
Mohamed El Bashir AFRALO ISOC Sudan N/A
Amr Hamdi AFRALO SchoolNet Africa Tijani Ben Jemaa
Abdelaziz Hilali AFRALO ISOC Morocco N/A
Paulyne Jansen AFRALO African Youth Foundation Beran Dondeh Gillen
Philip Johnson AFRALO ISOC Liberia Mohamed El Bashir
Didier Kasole AFRALO ISOC Democratic Republic of the Congo Abdelaziz Hilali
Sayuni Kimaro AFRALO Journalists’ Union for Science & Technology Advancement in Africa (JUSTA-AFRICA) Beran Dondeh Gillen
Mondher Laabidi AFRALO ISOC Tunisia Beran Dondeh Gillen
Alan Levin AFRALO ISOC South Africa Beran Dondeh Gillen
Said Mchangama AFRALO Federation Comorienne des Consommateurs Hadja Ouatarra
Zahra Mohamed AFRALO ISOC Somalia Hadja Ouatarra
Mercy Moyo AFRALO Tijani Ben Jemaa
Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu AFRALO Centre de Promotion et de Vulgarisation de l’informatique Hadja Ouatarra
Olivier Nana Nzapa AFRALO ANAIS Hadja Ouatarra
Janvier Ngnoulaye AFRALO ISOC Cameroon Hadja Ouatarra
Peters Omoragbon AFRALO Nurses Across Borders Mohamed El Bashir
Barrack Otieno AFRALO ISOC Kenya Mohamed El Bashir
Otunte Otueneh AFRALO ISOC Nigeria Mohamed El Bashir
Hadja Ouattara AFRALO Association pour Linux et les logiciels libres au Burkina Faso (A3LBF) N/A
Baudouin Schombe AFRALO CAFEC-Centre Africain d’Echange Culturel Abdelaziz Hilali
Moataz Shaarawy AFRALO Ofok Al-Tanmia Mohamed El Bashir
Michel Tchonang AFRALO CAPDA Abdelaziz Hilali
Nirmol Agarwal APRALO Internet Society Vasudhay Kutumnbhkum India (ISVK) Holly Raiche
Anupam Agrawal APRALO ISOC Kolkata Holly Raiche
Ali Almeshal APRALO ISOC Bahrain N/A
Khalid Bin Thani APRALO Internet Research Project Pakistan Rafid Fatani
Dennis Cai APRALO Hong Kong Internet Forum Rafid Fatani
Narelle Clark APRALO Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) Rafid Fatani
Lianna Galstyan APRALO ISOC Armenia N/A
Yashar Hajiyev APRALO Information Policy Analytical Center (IPAC) Maureen Hilyard
Suhaidi Hassan APRALO ISOC Malaysia Maureen Hilyard
Maureen Hilyard APRALO ISOC Dhaka N/A
Jahangir Hossain APRALO Cook Islands Internet Action Group Maureen Hilyard
Pua Hunter APRALO ISOC Philippines Siranush Vardanyan
Aris Ignacio APRALO Media Education Center, NGO Siranush Vardanyan
Narine Khachatryan APRALO ISOC Japan N/A
Yasuichi Kitamura APRALO South Pacific Computer Society Siranush Vardanyan
Sunil Lal APRALO ISOC – AU Cheryl Langdon Orr
Mahmoud Lattouf APRALO Arab Knowledge Management Society Cheryl Langdon Orr
Sophie Liang APRALO National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association (NIIEPA) Hong Xue
Sunny Liu APRALO NetMission.ASIA Hong Xue
H.R. Mohan APRALO Computer Society of India Narine Khachatryan
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy APRALO ISOC Chennai, India Narine Khachatryan
Nancy Nanxi Ji APRALO Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance Amir Qayyum
Y.J. Park APRALO Open Standards and Internet Association (OSIA) Narine Khachatryan
Amir Qayyum APRALO ISOC Islamabad N/A
Bikram Shrestha APRALO ISOC Nepal Narine Khachatryan
Ellen Strickland APRALO Internet NZ Incorporated Liana Galstyan
Karaitiana Taiuru APRALO The New Zealand Māori Internet Society Amir Qayyum
Siranush Vardanyan APRALO Armenian Association for the Disabled ‘Pyunic’ N/A
Roger Baig EURALO ISOC Catalonia Sandra Hoferichter
Vittorio Bertola EURALO ISOC Italy Olivier Crépin Leblond
Christoph Bruch EURALO The Humanist Union Sandra Hoferichter
Matthieu Camus EURALO ISOC France Sandra Hoferichter
William Drake EURALO Committee for a Democratic United Nations Olivier Crépin Leblond
Monique Epstein EURALO E-Seniors Sandra Hoferichter
Bastiaan Goslings EURALO ISOC Netherlands Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Sandra Hoferichter EURALO Medienstadt Leipzig N/A
Werner Hülsmann EURALO Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz (DVD) e.V. Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Marjan Krisper EURALO Slovenian Consumers Association Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Bogdan Manolea EURALO ApTI Wolf Ludwig
Yuliya Morenets EURALO Together Against Cybercrime Sandra Hoferichter
Annette Muehlberg EURALO Netzwerk Neue Medien Olivier Crépin Leblond
Oliver Passek EURALO DigitalCourage Wolf Ludwig
Miguel Perez Subias EURALO Asociacion de Usuarios de Internet Wolf Ludwig
Plamena Popova EURALO The Ukrainian Internet Association N/A
Tatiana Popova EURALO Universty of Library Studies and Information Technologies Wolf Ludwig
Oksana Prykhodko EURALO European Media Platform Olivier Crépin Leblond
Manuel Schneider EURALO Wikimedia Austria / Wikimedia Switzerland Plamena Popova
Carolin Silbernagl EURALO dotHIV Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Jyry Suvilehto EURALO ISOC Finland Plamena Popova
Eric Tomson EURALO ISOC Wallonia Wolf Ludwig
Rudi Vansnick EURALO ISOC Belgium Olivier Crépin Leblond
Diego Acosta Bastidas LACRALO The Ecuadorian Association for Free Software Humerto Carrasco
Carlos Aguirre LACRALO ADIAR N/A
Alyne Andrade LACRALO IBDI Fatima Cambronero
Jose Barzallo LACRALO Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Derecho Informtico y Telecomunicaciones (AEDIT) Freddy Linares Torres
Raul Bauer LACRALO USUARIA Juan Manuel Rojas
Niran Beharry LACRALO ISOC Trinidad and Tobago Leon Sanchez
Sergio Bronstein LACRALO Internauta Venezuela Freddy Linares Torres
Adrian Carballo LACRALO Fundacion Incluirme Vanda Scartezini
Humberto Carrasco LACRALO Asociacion de Derecho e Informatica de Chile N/A
Cristian Casas LACRALO CETIC AJB Sergio Salinas Porto
Javier Eduard Chadia Rojas LACRALO Internauta Chile Vanda Scartezini
Wladimir Davalos LACRALO JCI Ecuador Vanda Scartezini
Natalia Enciso LACRALO Asociacion Paraguaya de Derecho Informatico y Tecnologico Fatima Cambronero
Michael Forde LACRALO ISOC Barbados Leon Sanchez
Jason Francis LACRALO BANGO-Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Carlos Raul Gutierrez LACRALO ISOC Costa Rica Alejandro Pisanty
Sylvia Herlein Leitte LACRALO Internauta Brasil Fatima Cambronero
Lance Hinds LACRALO DevNet Leon Sanchez
Jason Hynds LACRALO Barbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association (BIPA) Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Gilberto Lara LACRALO Asociacion Conexion al Desarrollo El Salvador Alejandro Pisanty
Johnny Laureano LACRALO AUI Peru Sergio Salinas Porto
Freddy Linares Torres LACRALO ISOC Peru N/A
Antonio Medina Gomez LACRALO ACUI, Asociacion Colombiana de usarios de Internet Alberto Soto
Aida Noblia LACRALO Asociacion de Escribanos del Uruguay Juan Manuel Rojas
Jose Olvidio Salgueiro LACRALO Asociacion Venezolana de Derecho Infomatico y Nuevas Tecnologias Alberto Soto
Alejandro Pisanty LACRALO ISOC Mexico N/A
Kerri-Anne Richards LACRALO ICT4D Jamaica Carlos Aguirre
Juan Manuel Rojas LACRALO AGEIA DENSI Colombia N/A
Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO Asociacion Unica de Chatters Usuarios de Internet y E-Commerce N/A
Vanda Scartezini LACRALO NEXTi N/A
Maricarmen Sequera LACRALO TEDIC Fatima Cambronero
Tatiana Toculescu LACRALO ISOC Argentina Humerto Carrasco
Carlos Vera LACRALO ISOC Ecuador Alejandro Pisanty
Gunela Astbrink MOD Mentee Cheryl Langdon Orr
Rafid Fatani MOD NomCom Selected ALAC Member from the Asia-Pacific Region N/A
Cheryl Langdon Orr MOD ISOC – AU N/A
Wolf Ludwig MOD Comunica-ch N/A
Holly Raiche MOD ISOC Australia N/A
Seth Reiss MOD The Intellectual Property & Technology Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association N/A
Leon Sanchez MOD ISOC Mexico N/A
Allan Skuce MOD Pacific Community Networks Association Seth Reiss
Chester Soong MOD ISOC Hong Kong Liana Galstyan
Dev Anand Teelucksingh MOD Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society N/A
Sarah Alkier NARALO Youth Helping Youth, Inc dba Emerging Futures Network Alan Greenberg
Jonathan Askin NARALO ISOC New York Alan Greenberg
Kerry Brown NARALO ISOC Canada Alan Greenberg
Garth Bruen NARALO Knujon Eduardo Diaz
Robert Castonguay NARALO ISOC Quebec Eduardo Diaz
Monique Chartrand NARALO Communautique Eduardo Diaz
Eduardo Diaz NARALO ISOC Puerto Rico N/A
Randy Glass NARALO America@Large Evan Leibovitch
Garth Graham NARALO Telecommunities Canada Evan Leibovitch
Thomas Lowenhaupt NARALO Inc. Seth Reiss
Michael Maranda NARALO Association for Community Networking Seth Reiss
Ognian Mitev NARALO ISOC Colorado Evan Leibovitch
Yubelkys Montalvo NARALO HETS Eduardo Diaz
Anthony Niiganii NARALO Eduardo Diaz
Christopher Parsons NARALO Privatera Evan Leibovitch
Dana Perry NARALO Nova Scotia Community Access Program Evan Leibovitch
Neil Schwartzman NARALO Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America) Alan Greenberg
Scott Sullivan NARALO Greater Toronto Area Linux Users Group Glen McKnight
Darlene Thompson NARALO N-CAP Alan Greenberg
Fouad Bajwa APRALO Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC) Holly Raiche
Alan Greenberg ALAC Independent N/A
Judith Hellerstein NARALO Capital Area Globetrotters Glen McKnight
Konstantin Kalaitzidis NARALO ISOC San Francisco / Bay Area Glen McKnight
Evan Leibovitch ALAC Canadian Association for Open Sorce (CLUE) N/A
Glenn McKnight NARALO Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC) N/A
Carlton Samuels LACRALO The University of West Indies Carlos Aguirre
Fatima Cambronero ALAC AGEIA DENSI Argentina N/A
Olivier Crepin-Leblond ALAC N/A
Murray McKercher NARALO Independent Seth Reiss
Adam Peake EURALO EURALO Individuals Association Olivier Crépin Leblond
Jean-Jacques Subrenat ALAC NomCom Selected ALAC Member from the European Region N/A


Name Affiliation RALO Thematic Group Mentor/Mentee(Mentor = MR/Mentee = ME) Attended (Y/N)
 Eduardo Díaz  X X MR


Participants Region Thematic Sessions Mentor Attendance %
AF AP EU LA NA  S1  S2 S3 S4 S5 Y N



Region (for both tables)

AF: African Regional At-Large Organization (AFRALO)

AP: Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO)

EU: European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO)

LA: Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional  At-Large Organization (LACRALO)

NA: North-American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO)


Thematic Sessions (for both tables)

1: The Future of Multistakeholderism

2: The Globalization of ICANN

3: Global Internet: The User Perspective

4: ICANN Transparency and Accountability

5: At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN 


Mentor (for TOTALS table only)

Y: Total number of mentors

N: Total number of mentees.


Mentor (this list should be kept up-to-date by the ATLAS II Mentoring Program Working Group)

M: signifies that this person is a mentor

AG: Alan Greenberg (Canada)

BD: Beran Dondeh Gillen (Gambia)

DA: Dev Anand Teelucksingh (Trinidad and Tobago)

ED: Eduardo Diaz (Puerto Rico)

EL: Evan Leibovitch (Canada)

FC: Fatima Cambronero (Argentina)

HO: Hadja Ouattara (Burkina Faso)

HR: Holly Raiche (Australia)

JJ: Jean-Jacques Subrenat (France)

LS: Leon Sanchez (Mexico)

MH: Maureen Hilyard (Cook Islands)

OC: Olivier Crepin Leblond (France)

RF: Rafid Fatani (Saudi Arabia)

SH: Sandra Hoferichter (Germany)

TB: Tijani Ben Jemaa (Tunisia)

May 26th, 2014 by | Posted in | No Comments

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