60 day transfer prohibited - is GoDaddy violating the ICANN policy?
Could someone please clarify the 60 day Transfer Prohibited policy?
The reason I ask is because GoDaddy claims that since I updated my contact information on my domain, that resets the 60 day transfer prohibited policy set forth by ICANN.
GoDaddy has denied a transfer because they claim that ICANN has approved GoDaddy's policy on this written below: sent us an email saying our domain name would expire 8-7-07. is our registrar and their records show (as does whois) that does not expire until 8-7-09.
I called GoDaddy and the person I spoke to said they are receiveing a number of calls for the same reason and that is no longer a registrar. Someone needs to shut them down because doubtless some individuals so notified will pay without checking.
There is a need for calm
Everyone needs to remain calm. We must stay together on this.
Registerfly - gatunos e incompetentes e a culpa é do ICANN
Quero que haja justiça: roubou, abusou, desgraçou negócios, vendeu dominios que já estavam super pagos. Será que alguém pode ajudar? Ou será que o ICANN vai ser responsabilizado por tudo o que nos aconteceu? A ver vamos...
Registerfly - Account suspended for filing a claim at paypal
I have then filed a claim at paypal to get back the unused funds in my registerfly account. Mentioned about registerfly and all issues I am aware of in my claim and paypal settled the case in about 6 hours time. Registerfly refunded the payment in full, all unused and am legally eligible to request a refund the unused funds in account.
It's Time For A Class Action Against Registerfly
I see many posts about the lack of service from Registerfly and the ability of ICANN to do anything about it. Isn't it time for action. If ICANN is impotent, why are they still the doorkeeper? It's time for a class action lawsuit for damages in the millions. Unl;ess someone gets serious ICANN will be considered a roadblock instead of and organization that screens and approves capable registrars. I have filed support requests on various issues. No reply. I got sick of it and tried to transfer. They will not give me an EPP Authorization Code. It's time for action.