ICANN Fellowship

Fri 30 Oct 2009 - 07:00 - 09:00
Athenee (L3)

What it is | A daily opportunity for the selected Fellowship participants to engage in dialogue with topical presenters from the ICANN community, staff and program alumni to learn more about certain aspects of ICANN, its Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees, or topical issues of a particular ICANN meeting.

Why it's Important | The Fellowship participants represent developing and underdeveloped countries within the 5 ICANN regions; they are the building blocks for the next generation of ICANN. By participating in the ICANN meetings, fellows can better support ICANN's mission and goals, by advancing the knowledge and education in their own region and country.

Who should attend? | Anyone who would like to learn more about the program, its participants, and why they are important to the growth and expansion of the ICANN community and mission.