Registrar Stakeholder Group Constituency Meeting

Tue 27 Oct 2009 - 09:00 - 17:30
Crystal A (L2)
High Bandwidth
Agenda Details: 

 October 27, 2009 (Crystal A)
9:00 – 9:15                   Welcome/Introductions/Announcements
9:15 – 9:45              GNSO Issue Reports
Ø  Registration Abuse (James Bladel)
Ø  PEDNR (Tim Ruiz, Jeff Eckhaus)
Ø  IRTP A and B (James Bladel)
Ø  Advocacy Update (Clarke Walton)
9:45-10:45                   Contractual Compliance
Ø  Whois data accuracy study (David Giza)
Ø  Enforcement actions (Stacy Burnette)
Ø  Privacy/proxy registration service study (Stacy Burnette)
Ø  FY 2010 compliance strategic initiatives (David Giza)
Ø  RDE compliance (Pam Little)
10:45-11:00                  Break
11:00-11:45                  Policy Update (Denise Michel)
Ø  Explanation of new GNSO structure
Ø  GNSO reform update (OSC / PPSC)
Ø  GNSO workload / prioritization
Ø  Whois Misuse study
Ø  Registrant rights / responsibility
11:45-12:00                  Board request re: TM protection implementation plan (Denise Michel)
12:00-13:00                   Lunch
13:00-14:00                   Registrar Liaison issues (Tim Cole, Steve Gobin, Brian Peck)
Ø  Status update on RAA Amendments
Ø  Registrar training course development
Ø  De-accredited Registrar Transition update
14:00-15:00                  Peter Dengate Thrush / Rod Beckstrom
Ø  Affirmation of Commitment
Ø  Staff and Board positions on new TLDs
15:00-16:00                   New TLDs (Kurt Pritz)
Ø  gTLD Applicant Guidebook version  3
Ø  Registry-registrar separation
Ø  Other topics
16:00-16:30                  Security (Greg Rattray)
16:30-16:45                   Break
16:45-17:30                   Meet with Registry Constituency
Ø  GNSO chair / vice chair
17:30                           Adjourn