LAC NGO Caucus on Internet Governance
The goal of the LAC NGO Caucus on Internet Governance is it to raise awareness and organizational capacity to engage in strategic Internet planning and to promote organizational voices in areas of Internet policy formation and implementation relevant to their work and their mission. The NGO Caucus engages with all sectors and does not limit itself to Civil Society as today's Internet stakeholders have to rely for their growth and development on the co–operation and partnership with a multitude of other highly diverse organizations and sectors. The term multi–sector partnership signifies no longer just the co–operation between different sectors but their utter interdependence on one another. The NGO Caucus is designed to produce win–win policies and practice outcomes.
10.30 - Welcome
10.35 - Keynote: (Martin de Silva) Initial results and lessons learned from Pathfinder LAC
11.00 - Short presentations, 6 speakers, 3 from IG stakeholders, 3 presenters from NGOs, 3-5 minutes, Topic: "Why is Internet Governance important for my organization and what is the most urgent Internet operational concern that we would like to see addressed."
11.45-12.00 - Coffee Break
12.00 - Summary of issues and topics
12.15 - Plenary debate of issues and topics
12.45 - Revised summary of issues
13.00 - Closing Invitation to the follow up events: Event 2 "Meet ICANN" and Event 3 "NPOC Constituency day NGO encounter"