Schedule: At-Large

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

17:00 - 18:30
Garnet (L37)

Interpretation: There will be no simultaneous interpretation for this session.

What it is: The monthly meeting of the European RALO (“EURALO”)

Why it is important: The monthly meetings of each RALO are an important opportunity for the region to coordinate, discuss policy views and track work progress on their agenda

Who should attend:
Members of EURALO and anyone else interested in the European regional community.


Remote Participation Options:


  • Telephonic remote participation (English only)

Instructions on how to participate remotely may be found at this URL:



Agenda Details:


Standing Issues:


  • 1. Roll Call and apologies
  • 2. Review of Summary minutes of 23 September 2009
  • 3. Review of Action Items of 23 August 2009
  • 4. Open Public Comment Periods


Proposed Agenda Items:


  • 1.    Results of At-Large elections/NomCom appointments and welcome to the new leadership
  • 2.    Seoul Meeting - update from Seoul
  • 3.    Process to select the At-Large Voting Board Director -click here for the At-Large Director Appointment Process Workspace
  • 4.    New gTLDs/DAG; IDN, IRT and GNSO Improvements
    • 4.1 Joint ALAC-GNSO RAA Related Activities - click here for the joint
    • ALAC-GNSO RAA Related Workspace
    • 4.2 At-Large relations with NCUC - report of EURALO working group
    • 4.3 Briefing on Proposed Bylaw Changes to Improve Accountability (TBC)
    • 4.4 Briefing on GNSO Improvements (Rob Hoggarth)
  • 5.    Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Sebastien, Adam and Patrick)
  • 6.    Review of At-Large Implementation Plan and Next Steps
  • 7.    EURALO Outreach
  • 8.    Strategic Planning for FY11
  • 9.    Initial Planning for Nairobi Meeting
  • 10.  Any other Business


Thursday, 29 October 2009

17:00 - 18:30
Garnet (L37)

Interpretation: There will be simultaneous interpretation in French, English and Spanish for this session.

Español: Sesión de Cierre del Comité Asesor At-Large (ALAC) y Secretarios de las Estructuras Regionales At-Large (RALO) - Decisiones Tomadas durante la reunión

Français: Réunion de synthèse des secrétariats ALAC et RALO - Décisions adoptées lors de la réunion

What it is: This is the final meeting of the At-Large Advisory Committee (“ALAC”) and the leaders of the Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”) during the Seoul meeting.

Why it is important: The wrap-up meeting of the ALAC and the regional leaders will be used to discuss the outcomes of the Seoul meeting, the importance of various elements to the At-Large community, and finalize coordination for the following quarter’s activities. It also will be used to take stock of events outside of the At-Large community during the Seoul meeting, and for those who agreed to attend specific events to report back.

Who should attend: Members of the At-Large Advisory Committee (“ALAC”) and the leaders of the Regional At-Large Organisations (“RALOs”)


Remote Participation Options:


  • Telephonic remote participation (English only) 

Instructions on how to participate remotely may be found at this URL:



Agenda (English):

Friday, 30 October 2009

09:00 - 10:00
Crystal (L2)

14:00 - 18:00
Charlotte (L36)

Interpretation: There will be no simultaneous interpretation for this session.

Español - Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo (ExCom)
Français - Réunion ExCom

What it is:
This is a meeting of the At-Large Advisory Committee (“ALAC”) Executive Committee.

Why it is important: A traditional part of every ICANN meeting, this session provides a valuable opportunity for the ALAC Executive Committee to develop a plan of action incorporating the just-finished ICANN meeting for future work of the ALAC.

Who should attend: Members of the At-Large Advisory Committee (“ALAC”) Executive Committee.


Remote Participation Options: There will be no remote participation facilities for this session

Agenda (English):

  • Allocation of responsibilities for follow-up
  • Review of the PAD and setting of deadlines and assignments
  • Meeting with Kevin Wilson to review travel support discussions