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Welcome to ICANN58 | Community Forum! ICANN58 will be held 11-16 March 2017 and is hosted by Danish Business Authority. For more details about the meeting, click here

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Koliwe Majama

MISA Zimbabwe
Programmes Officer - Broadcasting and ICTs
Koliwe Majama
I am a journalist, media activist and feminist. I work for the Media Institute of Southern Africa's Zimbabwe Chapter and my programme area focusses on engaging stakeholders in the broadcasting and ICT sectors to advance the MISA 's positions for a free, diverse and pluralistic media and the rights to access information by the ordinary people so that they are able to participate meaningfully in processes in their country. Internet trends and rights have formed a large part of my programming in the past two years , mainly because the internet has changed the way we communicate, access information and, in general, the face of the media sector by converging the two main sectors my programme focusses on - broadcasting and telecommunications. So talk to me about Human rights on the internet, ethics and professionalism online and gender dynamics on the internet , and I will surely be interested!