Workshop: IPv6 Update
IDN Workshop: IDNs in Indian Languages and Scripts
Smt Tulika Pandey
Addl. Director, DIT
Tina Dam
Director, IDN Programs, ICANN
Shri Mahesh Kulakarni
Programme Head, CDAC, Pune
Dr Raymond Doctor
Consultant CDAC, Pune
Smt Swaranlata
Director, DIT
Shri Rajesh Aggarwal
Shri Deepak Maheshwari
Director Corporate Affairs
Sai Sreekanth
Dr. Govind
Sr. Director, DIT
Shri Ram Mohan
1) An Introduction To Indian Languages & Scripts -- This session to focus on the 22 official languages of the country; a quick primer on how these can be categorized and what scripts and script families are. In addition, speak to other important issues such as: Extensions to letters, Nukta, Chandrabindi, Bi-Directionality in Urdu. Collation, Locale, Rendering.
Duration: 20 mins, plus 5 mins Q&A
Workshop: Translation Policy
What it is | A meeting to discuss the draft of ICANN's new translation programme. The programme's aim is to open up ICANN to equitable participation by non-English speakers.
* Introductory remarks: Nick Ashton-Hart (5mins):
* Presentation of Translation Programme (Powerpoint): Kieren McCarthy (10 mins)
* Questions to Translation Committee: Sebastien Bachollet (10 mins)
* Questions open to floor (30 mins)
* Next steps (public comment, Paris meeting): Nick Ashton-Hart / Sebastien Bachollet (5 mins)
Workshop: ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom)
Why it's Important | The Nominating Committee is charged with filling the majority of seats on the Board of Directors, as well as nominating members to serve in leadership positions in other constituencies. Learn how the nomination process works and how you may become involved.
Who Should Attend? | Anyone interested to learn about this unique process or is considering applying for one of the ICANN leadership positions on the Board or any
of the constituent bodies.
Workshop: Update on Internet Governance
Introduction: Paul Twomey
Moderator: Nitin Desai
Markus Kummer
Executive Coordinator of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Secretariat
David Appasamy
Chief Communications Officer of Sify Limited & Vice Chair of the ICC Internet and Telecoms Infrastructure and Services Task Force
Gaurab Raj Upadhaya
Internet Economics Analyst/Staff Engineer, Packet Clearing House
Vanda Scartezini
Vice Chair of the At Large Advisory Committee
What it is | A meeting to discuss the outcomes of the recent Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Rio de Janeiro last November and moving forward.
Why it's important | The IGF is a large meeting of governments, business and civil society that come together to discuss Internet issues.
Who should attend? | All those interested in the global policy aspects of ICANN's role and wider Internet governance issues.
Workshop: Discussion on ICANN Travel Expense Support Funding
What it is | What should ICANN's role be in funding (or not) various portions of the community for participation? Should there be any changes from current practice?
Why it's Important | This will be a chance both to get community input and discuss some alternatives. This will be the first step in a consultation process to consider possible changes, with consideration of changes made at the ICANN board level and in conjunction with the Fiscal Year 2009 budget.
Workshop: Operating Plan
ICANN is seeking input from the community on an early draft of the Operating Plan and budget through a consultation session in [English, French, Spanish and Russian] (using simultaneous interpretation).
The Operating Plan is a very important document that sets out ICANN’s objectives for the July 2008 – June 2009 financial year. The budget sets out ICANN’s financial goals for the year based on the operating plan objectives.
Workshop: What Happens When a Registrar Ceases Business Operation
What it is | As the registration marketplace matures, business failures and changes to business models are inevitable and will result in the termination of accredited registrar businesses. When a registrar's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) is terminated, ICANN must attempt to assure that the registrar's names are transferred to a competent gaining registrar.
Workshop: Public Discussion of JPA
Briefing and feedback on the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) mid-term review and ICANN's position.
Signed in 2006, the JPA is an agreement between the U.S. Department of Commerce and ICANN. ICANN believes that it is meeting it's responsibilities under the agreement and that the JPA should be concluded nine years after the President of the United States instruction that the Domain Name System be transitioned to the private sector model of stakeholder consultation that ICANN represents.
All those interested in a Domain Name System that is coordinated; not controlled.