Royal Roads University and ODR Forum collaborate to create legacy bursary
Royal Roads University, the Royal Roads Foundation, and the organizing committee for the ODR Forum have annoucned that any residual funds would be used for the creation of a bursary benefitting learners in the Bachelor of Justice Studies program.
The bursary will be named after the keynote speakers and convocation honourary degree recipients, President Jose Ramos Horta and Dr. Vinton Cerf. The bursary shall be namd the Horta - Cerf Bursary.
Parties wishing to make a donation to the bursary may contact the foundation offices at (250) 391-2617 or
The Horta Cerf Bursary is set up to financially support learners in the Justice Studies program who would otherwise face economic hardship in completing their studies. The BA in Justice Studies, with its emphasis on law, philosophy, social work and sociology, is an ideal degree for a career in civil service, whether in Canada or internationally. It is also a good foundation for a career where peaceful communication skills are required, such as in mediation, negotiation, coaching, ombudsmanship, peacekeeping and international work.
The degree attracts compassionate learners who wish to serve others and who are interested in fairness; human dignity, and equal respect and concern. It also attracts new immigrants who like to know more about Canadian citizenship and who need an avenue to demonstrate their skills. The program thus has to deal frequently with learners who fit ideally into the program but who have to make huge sacrifices to afford an education.
Royal Roads University resolves that:
The fund should be a bursary and should be named the Horta/Cerf bursary.
The bursary shall support Justice Studies learner who demonstrate financial need.
A learner also has to be a learner in good standing (minimum of a C average GPA) and must have passed the first 21 credit hours in the program to qualify for the bursary. Need will be assessed using the standard RRU assessment tool for needs based bursaries.
The bursary should allow for disbursements in the amount of at least 1000.-- Dollars but not more than 3000.-- Dollars each. A maximum of four bursaries can be awarded in any year if there are enough qualified candidates.
The year defined for the bursary shall be from beginning of September until end of August.
A bursary must be received before the learner takes the last 12 credit hours of the program.
The funds in the Horta/Cerf bursary shall be spent within 5 years and might be extended if funds are still available.
The assessment of need and the decision about disbursements rests with the core faculty within the Justice Studies program.
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