Schedule: GNSO
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
What it is | Cross Constituency is a meeting of the Commercial and Business Users Intellectual property Interests and Internet service and connectivity providers constituencies.
A quick summary video featuring J Scott Evans can be found below and underneath that an archive of the meeting itself.
Meeting archive video
What Is It | This meeting brings together all the constituencies of the GNSO who are not contracted parties with ICANN and the members of At-Large to discuss the GNSO Improvements programme.
Why it's important | With the changes to the GNSO being implemented as a part of the Improvements programme this meeting is an important opportunity for the non-contracted party representatives to discuss their common interests and collaboration options.
Who should attend? | Members of the: At-Large, Business , Intellectual Property, Internet Service Provider, and Non-Commercial Users’ Constituencies, others interested in the meeting’s subjects.
Why it's Important | The meeting is an important opportunity for updates and discussions on issues within the ICANN agenda that are of particular importance to registrants who are intellectual property owners and those seeking to protect copyright and trademark online.
Who should attend? | Anyone with an interest in these issues is invited to attend.
What it is | The Business Constituency is a constituency representing customers of providers of connectivity, domain names, IP addresses, protocols and other services related to electronic commerce in its broad sense.
Why it's Important | The meeting will consider the reaction of commercial users to proposals to change (and potentially reduce) the way they have their say in ICANN matters. It will also look inter alia at means of policy change to prevent bad faith activity related to domain tasting and the widespread abuse of the "add grace period".
Who should attend? | Commercial users of the Internet who are interested in meaningful competition in the domain name space and improved enforcement by ICANN of its contract parties (registries and registrars) with respect to acts of bad faith facilitated by lack of enforcement.
What it is | "ISPs"; or "connectivity providers"; are in the business of operating Name Servers as a service for 3rd parties and operate an Internet backbone network based on TCP/IP.
Why it's important | The meeting is an important opportunity for updates and discussions on issues within the ICANN agenda that are of particular importance to registrants who are intellectual property owners and those seeking to protect copyright and trademark online.
Who should attend? | Anyone with an interest in these issues is invited to attend.
What it is | Support for characters from local languages in domain name registration submission and display is an issue that affects many ICANN stakeholders, including the GNSO, CCNSO, ALAC and GAC. Collaboration across this large, diverse community is vital to defining a suitable, scalable solution. SSAC has recently published SAC037 that examines how the use of characters from local scripts affects the Internet user experience with respect to domain name registration data submission, usage, and display. In this session we will have open discussion of the recommendations in SAC037 and related issues.
Why it's Important | Many Internet applications today support characters from local languages, alphabets or scripts. Domain names are poised to fully support this emerging and much-needed “internationalisation” as well. It is only natural that users will want to use characters from local scripts when they submit and view Registration Data associated with a domain name.
Who should attend? | Registrars, registries, and other third parties who need to examine and understand the issues related to supporting characters from local scripts in the context of current and future applications that provide for the submission, usage and display of domain names and Registration Data.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
What it is | In this session the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) Council, the body responsible for managing the policy development process for generic top-level domains (gTLDs), provides an opportunity for community members to interact with the Council as it conducts its meeting.
Who should attend? | Anyone interested in the GNSO's policy work is free to attend.
Summary of input to meeting
This summarizes public input into the broad topics outlined by the committee.
Document deadlines
- The deadlines were very helpful
- It would helpful to include meeting agendas as part of that deadline
- Need to consider how to avoid overloading people with the number of documents
- Expectation that earlier provision of documents will mean fewer presentations at meetings about a report, and more discussion of a report
- Documents themselves are too long and complex – acts as a barrier to entry
- There is a significant need for documents in plain language
- Need to present fewer acronyms, and to provide explanation of acronyms when they do appear (a glossary on each document?)
- Translations of documents need to be made more easily and readily available (and supporting documentation also needs to be translated)
- Translations of documents need to be provided to the same document deadlines
- Three meetings a year around the globe make participation difficult (time and cost)
- Consider reducing the number of meetings
- Consider the use of a hub city for meetings
- Look at expanding/improving remote participation
- Need more information about meeting agendas to entice people
- There’s not been a meeting in North America for some time
Public comment process
- Too many public comment periods (have different types?)
- Consider having a rule that no public comment periods will be open during a meeting (as people don’t have time to review or respond)
What it is | The Board Committee on Public Participation is holding an open session to ask the community what it thinks about a number of new ideas for improving participation within ICANN, plus to allow the community to make their own suggestions.
Why it's Important | Participation is an important issue for ICANN as an organization. This is an opportunity for community members to enter into free and open discussion about what improvements could be made with Board members.
Who should attend? | All those interested in improving participation within ICANN.
What it is | Organizational Reviews examine individually each of the key structures of ICANN; at the end of each OR process a set of recommendations is issued for each of the structures that have been reviewed. From a horizontal analysis of these recommendations emerged interrelationships and dependencies that are visible only when considering ICANN as a system rather than a collection of parts. During this workshop the Structural Improvements Committee will present for discussion the key findings from this analysis, and proposals to deal with these interrelationships.
Why it's Important | This is an occasion for the community to participate to the debate on ways to solve interrelations and dependencies from different OR processes.
Who should attend? | Members of the Structural Improvements Committee and the Board, interested Community Members
Thursday, 25 June 2009
What it is | In this session the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) Council, the body responsible for managing the policy development process for generic top-level domains (gTLDs), reviews the GNSO discussions during the week, discusses any issues that were not covered during the week, and plans ahead.
Who should attend? | Anyone interested in the GNSO's policy work is free to attend.