SAT, 27 OCT | SUN, 28 OCT | MON, 29 OCT | TUE, 30 OCT | WED, 31 OCT | THU, 1 NOV | FRI, 2 NOV | SAT, 3 NOV

There are a large number of pictures of the ICANN meeting and of the Gala event on Tuesday night. You will be able to review and purchase copies of these photos on the photographer's website here.

EVENTS BY COMMITTEE / ORGANISATION: all | ASO | At-Large | Board | ccNSO | CBUC | Cross Constituency | DNSSEC | Fellowships | GAC | GNSO | gTLD Registries Constituency | IANA | IP Constituency | ISP Constituency | NomCom | NCUC | Registrars Constituency | RSSAC | other
EVENTS BY SUBJECT: all | ccTLDs | IDNs | IPv6 | New gTLDs | Strategic Planning | Translations | Whois
Agenda | Venue | Attractions |
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An important meeting
The meeting should prove particular important for the future of the network thanks to the main topics under discussion. Internationalised domain names will make the Internet more intuitive for billions of non-English speakers around the world. Likewise, new generic top-level domains may change the whole way we approach the Internet in the future.

ICANN also has its own milestones. Vint Cerf, co-founder of the Internet, will step down as chairman after eight years spearheading the organisation. ICANN will also showcase the changes it has made in the past year in an effort to pull the Internet community closer together and working together for the future of the network. So do join us for what should be an historic and exciting meeting in the Internet's birthplace.
The City of Angels
Known the world over, Los Angeles is perhaps most famous for being the home of Hollywood. But it is much, much more than that. The largest city in California with 3.8 million inhabitants, Los Angeles boasts a large and varied cultural, academic, technological and educational history. The City of Angels possesses a huge array of attractions from amusement parks to world-class museums and restaurants. Not to mention the scenic beaches, stunning hills overlooking the city, and of course the legendary shopping experiences of Beverly Hills. We look forward to seeing you all.

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