Schedule and Agendas

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Tue 30 Oct16:4518:00GAC Meeting with the ICANN Board (OPEN SESSION)
Tue 30 Oct17:0018:00Meeting: Caribbean and Latin American ccTLDs
Tue 30 Oct19:3023:00GALA Event @ Sony Studios including Official Tribute to Vint Cerf
Wed 31 Oct7:308:30Fellowship Participants Meeting
Wed 31 Oct8:3010:00Open GNSO Council Meeting
Wed 31 Oct9:0010:30GAC Plenary (CLOSED)
Wed 31 Oct9:0015:15ccNSO Members Meeting
Wed 31 Oct10:0010:30COFFEE BREAK
Wed 31 Oct10:3012:00Open GNSO Council Meeting continued
Wed 31 Oct10:3012:00ASO Workshop
Wed 31 Oct12:0013:00LUNCH BREAK
Wed 31 Oct13:0014:00Workshop: Internet Governance
Wed 31 Oct13:3015:00SSAC Open Meeting
Wed 31 Oct14:0015:00Workshop: ICANN Translation Policy
Wed 31 Oct14:0018:00GAC Plenary (CLOSED)
Wed 31 Oct15:0015:30COFFEE BREAK
Wed 31 Oct15:0016:00AntiPhishing Working Group
Wed 31 Oct15:3017:00At-Large Community Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Tutorial/Workshop
Wed 31 Oct15:3017:00Draft Strategic Plan and the Revised Frameworks and Principles for Accountability and Transparency

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