02 / 12
Start: 08:00
End: 17:00
What it is | The gTLD Registry Constituency is a constituency within the Generic Name Supporting Organisation (GNSO) and its primary role is to represent the interests of gTLD Registries that are currently under contract with ICANN to provide gTLD Registry Services. Start: 08:30
End: 10:30
What it is | This meeting will allow the Secretariats of the RALOs around the world to meet and discuss their views on the priorities of the At-Large community, as well as share ideas on how to engage the Internet end-user community more actively in the policy development work of ICANN. Start: 09:00
End: 17:00
What it is | The members are registrars accredited by and under contract to ICANN. Registrars provide the interface between registrants and registries in getting domain names. Start: 09:00
End: 17:00
What it is | The gTLD Registry Constituency is a constituency within the Generic Name Supporting Organisation (GNSO) and its primary role is to represent the interests of gTLD Registries that are currently under contract with ICANN to provide gTLD Registry Services. Start: 09:30
End: 17:30
What it is | The Country-Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) which helps develop global policy for country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs), convenes both a members meeting and a Council meeting in New Delhi. Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
*Breakfast will be held from 8:00-10:00 Start: 12:00
End: 13:15
What it is | Indian IT industry leaders with extensive global presence in Business Process Outsourcing, Software and Hardware will share their vision and experience on the kinds of strategies and models that have become engines of growth. Why it's Important | It gives the audience unique opportunity to discover the range of growth, skills and capabilities and future potential of the Indian IT Industry. Start: 14:00
End: 16:00
What it is | The Business Constituency is a constituency representing customers of providers of connectivity, domain names, IP addresses, protocols and other services related to electronic commerce in its broad sense. Start: 14:00
End: 17:00
What it is | "ISPs"; or "connectivity providers"; are in the business of operating Name Servers as a service for 3rd parties and operate an Internet backbone network based on TCP/IP. Start: 16:00
End: 18:00
What it is | The IPC represents the full range of trademark, copyright and other intellectual property interests relating to the Domain Name System (DNS). Start: 17:30
End: 18:30
What it is | Members of the ICANN Board of Directors and the Governmental Advisory
Start: 19:30
End: 22:30
Buses will take attendees to the event from the Taj Palace and returns will be made to all ICANN meeting hotels. Details will be posted prior to the event. | ||
02 / 13
Start: 08:00
End: 12:30
What it is | In this session the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) Council, the body responsible for managing the policy development process for generic top-level domains (gTLDs), provides an opportunity for community members to interact with the Council as it conducts its meeting. Action items on the agenda include Domain Tasting and GNSO comments in response to IDN ccTLD questions. Informational topics include the Inter-registrar transfer policy and Whois studies. Start: 09:30
End: 15:30
What it is | The Country-Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) which helps develop global policy for country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs), convenes both a members meeting and a Council meeting in New Delhi. Start: 11:00
End: 13:00
1) An Introduction To Indian Languages & Scripts -- This session to focus on the 22 official languages of the country; a quick primer on how these can be categorized and what scripts and script families are. In addition, speak to other important issues such as: Extensions to letters, Nukta, Chandrabindi, Bi-Directionality in Urdu. Collation, Locale, Rendering. Duration: 20 mins, plus 5 mins Q&A Start: 13:30
End: 15:00
What it is | As the registration marketplace matures, business failures and changes to business models are inevitable and will result in the termination of accredited registrar businesses. When a registrar's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) is terminated, ICANN must attempt to assure that the registrar's names are transferred to a competent gaining registrar. Start: 15:30
End: 16:30
What it is | A meeting to discuss the draft of ICANN's new translation programme. The programme's aim is to open up ICANN to equitable participation by non-English speakers. Start: 16:00
End: 17:00
What it is | The Country-Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) which helps develop global policy for country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs), convenes both a members meeting and a Council meeting in New Delhi. Start: 16:30
End: 17:30
ICANN is seeking input from the community on an early draft of the Operating Plan and budget through a consultation session in [English, French, Spanish and Russian] (using simultaneous interpretation). Start: 17:30
End: 18:30
What it is | What should ICANN's role be in funding (or not) various portions of the community for participation? Should there be any changes from current practice?
Start: 18:30
End: 19:30
Why it's Important | The Nominating Committee is charged with filling the majority of seats on the Board of Directors, as well as nominating members to serve in leadership positions in other constituencies. Learn how the nomination process works and how you may become involved.
Who Should Attend? | Anyone interested to learn about this unique process or is considering applying for one of the ICANN leadership positions on the Board or any
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02 / 14
Start: 12:45
End: 13:00
This event recognises the formation of the Asia-Pacific-Australian Regional At-Large Organisation ("APRALO") with a ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN and the individual Internet user groups participating in APRALO. Start: 14:00
End: 15:30
What it is | This session will provide an overview of the evolving gTLD (Generic Top Level Domain) environment. Speakers will examine the past, present, and future of the gTLD space, including the registry-registrar model and marketplace, the anticipated introduction of new gTLDs, and ongoing IDN developments. There will be particular attention given to the effects that these changes may bring within the region in which this meeting is being held.
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02 / 15
Start: 08:30
End: 13:00
Full Board Resolutions below: Approval of Minutes 1 Start: 15:00
End: 16:00
What it is | ICANN outreach open discussion forum on issues of concern to the Indian context and user community in an interactive format. | ||
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