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ALAC - At Large Advisory Committee

ALAC represents the individual Internet user and is responsible for considering and providing advice to ICANN from that perspective.

Click here for a calendar of all ALAC events during the week

ALAC's main website can be found at


Questions for the public forum?

ICANN has changed the method by which it draws input into its public meetings - including the public forum - in an effort to make it easier to interact, and hence encourage greater interaction.


For the ICANN public forum on Thursday 29 March 2007

Please note: You need to register with the site and be logged in to gain access to the chatrooms

Webcast | Audiocast | Chatroom | Forum



April 1 2007. there is much to do.
April 4 2007. escalated effort. results nill./


At-Large African Regional Meeting

2007-03-27 09:00
2007-03-27 12:00

What it is: The second session of the AFRALO at Lisbon is expected to be devoted to discussing the policy areas the region wishes to focus on and the regionally-specific view on the afternoon session with ALAC and the European ALS meeting topics.

Why it's important: This is the main opportunity for the African ALS community to set the policy priorities in a face-to-face setting in 2007.

ALAC Committee meeting

2007-03-29 14:00
2007-03-29 18:00

ALAC Committee meeting, Thursday

What it is: This third session of the ALAC will feature a meeting with the Ombudsman of ICANN to discuss how the Ombudsman process works, ICANN Staff to walk the ALS community through the GNSO PDP process, discuss the ALAC independent review about to begin, discuss with the new ICANN Manager of Public Participation how to involve more end-users in the work of ICANN, and introduce the new process for evaluating ALS applications to the regional ALS community members present

RALO signings

2007-03-29 13:00
2007-03-29 13:30

RALO signings

Webcast | Audiocast | Chatroom.

Board and ALAC meeting

2007-03-27 11:30
2007-03-27 12:30

Board and ALAC meeting

Ametista chatroom

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